Chapter XI (Final): Finally together

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049 walked very happily holding the hand of his loved one with the 'cured patients' behind them. 035 was uncomfortable and perplexed by the situation, but what neither of them knew is that one of the many guards who chased them was still alive and was reporting everything that was happening.
After a while, both guards and all the foundation's staff arrived despite the danger they could still face, but they decided to take that path despite the risk it entailed.
Soon, the doctor heard the footsteps of a crowd and hid the possessive mask along with him and left the zombies as a distraction and took the opportunity to escape while the rest were distracted by the shooting.

-049: Are you okay?

-035: Yes ... although I think I should have gone along with you, now we will be like two rats sneaking around so they don't catch us?

-049: I know exactly what I should do but I need you to trust me and your decision must be quick because with those maps in your hands you already know where we are exactly.

-035: Okay, I trust you.

Everyone began to surround the site and the options were running out, of course, escaping was not a good idea.

-Guard 1: SCP-035 and 049, you have nowhere to go, surrender peacefully!

There was no response or movement.

-Guardman 1: This is your last warning--

That man was interrupted by the strong blow of one of the rubble that had been nearby and was thrown by the plague doctor to escape with the possessive mask in his hands.
It was known that escaping from there would be like suicide but he was making time to think of another way to face the explanation he was going to have to give in his interview before being contained again. He was not afraid for him, he was afraid for his lover and he did not want anything to happen to him, he wanted to hold him in his arms.

A few moments passed since 049 had started running nonstop but had little chance to hide, the security cameras had been reactivated along with the usual security mechanisms such as gates with access cards, among many others that prevented him from advancing in his way aimlessly.
He stopped for a moment and looked 035 into his eyes.

-049: I know what I'm doing is stupid but I need time to think. I don't want them to lock us up and separate us, much less hurt you..!

A slight smile spread across the mask's face, meaning that everything would be fine and the stressed doctor wiped away his tears as he hugged him.

-049: I-I'll do what I can, I promise I won't abandon you.

The caregivers of both arrived accompanied by the security personnel and among the crowd it was possible to distinguish the same voice that had spoken through the loudspeakers before but in person it sounded much more intimidating and serious, it turned out to be a high-ranking investigator hired to work in the foundation.

-???: SCP-049, already stop escaping! You are not like that normally, explain this behavior to me!

The doctor slowly got to his knees, placed 035 on the ground and raised his hands to show that he was surrendering to the situation.

-049: I... I-I...

-???: Now you show yourself weak to try to deceive us as 035 does?!

-049: ...Of course not... I just...

-???: Agh ... just capture them and take them to their containment cells, we'll see what we'll do next.

-049: NO!! I-I... Y-all this time they were right about me!

The eyes turned to see that scene and the murmurs did not take long to be heard, the atmosphere had become tense due to the mere fact that everyone was there and nervous, the humanoid confessed everything.

-049: I-from the beginning I felt something for 035... it's just that... I didn't understand it with certainty and that very intrigued me. When that disaster happened with that plague, he has accompanied me and he is really good. It is true that he has escaped numerous times but he never did any harm, he would simply visit me and then return to his restraint. I don't want to be separated from him or have wrong thoughts about us!

-???: I don't have time for this, you know what to do.

-049: W-what?! Didn't you hear me?!

-???: I will grant you a small favor, anyway we had thought of classifying you as a Keter because of what you had done to Dr. Hamm.

-049: What's he talking about--

From so much commotion, without ill intentions, they hit the plague doctor hard on the head and left him unconscious.

By the time he woke up he realized he was in a different place, it wasn't his cell but his things were there, what had happened? He stood up and when he turned his gaze he realized that he was next to his beloved 035. When they noticed that both were already well, they gave the possessive mask a D-Class to be able to spend time with his beloved.

The voice of the researcher was heard through the loudspeakers of the entire foundation.

-???: There will be certain changes with the Special Containment Procedures of two anomalies. I will dictate these to you now and then you will be given the new orientation brochures.
Items: SCP-035, Keter class, and SCP-049, Euclid class, must be contained in the same cell to avoid inconveniences with them. Direct contact with them will not be allowed unless it is necessary and whenever they interact with them, the same procedures that both had previously will be followed. The rest can be read in the brochures, that's all.

-049: I see what he meant...

The possessive mask seized the opportunity to finally have a body and began to hug and caress its crush, who blushed and began to laugh with excitement.
At last they were together without anyone stopping them but it was strange that they allowed that knowing the dangers they may face.

The guards outside the cell were completely embarrassed by what they were seeing and decided to walk away for a while and something similar was happening with the surveillance personnel, who decided to shut down the system for a moment until all that happened.

Without thinking about anything else, they both continued kissing and hugging, they were very focused on each other but at the same time happy next to each other.

-049: Finally together... I love you, 035.

-035: I love you too, my dear doctor.

The End.

[Author's note:]

I think we finally reached the end of this story, soon I will be giving a small announcement and thus I will conclude all this.
Stay tuned and thanks for getting here!

A Strange Declaration (SCP-035 x SCP-049) [Finished]Where stories live. Discover now