What Do I Act Like? pt 2

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"Hey Sasuke!" Naruto said as he walked into Sasukes house without permission (yes Sasuke still lives alone btw he's 15)

"Yes Naruto" Sasuke said and finished making himself a sandwich.

"I have a challenge for you I want you to be me for 1 day starting today" Naruto said and ran over to Sasuke.

"Sounds fun" Sasuke said then went into h is room and shut the door.

"Uhh Sasuke?" Naruto said and looked confused.

2 minutes later Sasuke came out of his room and had his hair spiked like Naruto and had a fake grin.

Naruto blinked.

"Time for ramen!" Sasuke said then clapped

Sasuke tripped on air on purpose. "Oops heh" Sasuke said and got up and dusted himself

"Babbbeee take me for ramen!" Sasuke said and clapped

"Uh wa-

"Gimme Ramen Gimmee Ramen!" Sasuke said then jumped on Naruto s back making Naruto fall.

Sasuke laughed and Naruto groaned.
Sasuke forced himself to eat 6 bowls of ramen then snatched Naruto and ate it.

"Oi! That was mine!" Naruto said and looked angry.

"You weren't eating it!" Sasuke said then ate Narutos ramen.

Naruto sighed.

"Carry me!" Sasuke said then jumped on Narutos back as they walked out of ichiraku.

Naruto carried Sasuke all the way to his house.
Sasuke fake "fell asleep" while Naruto was carrying him and Naruto put Sasuke in his bed.

"Believe it Believe it Believe... " Sasuke snored over and over again

"Ugghhh" Naruto groaned as he layed on Sasukes stomach.

Naruto fell asleep on the 700th "believe it" and Sasuke opened his eyes.

"Sweet dreams dobe" Sasuke said then kissed Narutos forehead.

Sasuke then fell asleep (for real this time)

Ty for reading! 😊

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