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it's been weeks since Taekook has returned to Seol.. they were passing their days peacefully..but there is a matter of worry that  Jungkook is behaving wierd now-a-days....
for example few days ago out of no where he asked Taehyung to buy soybean soup... also at 3 am of night..Taehyung offered that he will make thet but Jungkook said no as Taehyung doesn't know how to cook.. .. again Taehyung asked that he will tell Msr.Kim to make.. this time suddenly Jungkook started crying saying that he doesn't want his mother-in-law to go to kitchen at that time.. somehow Taehyung bought one from a  24 hour open shop..but after Taehyung came back Jungkook said he doesn't want that anymore..again 2 days ago that day Taehyung was so tired as he was busy all day long  ...he returned home at 12 am..he saw Jungkook was in bathrobe... after having dinner Jungkook literally was seducing him..soon they started making out but when Taehyung was totally aroused Jungkook said he was not in mood anymore..and swiftly started sleeping...

few days later...
Taehyung woke up lazily and didn't find his wife beside him..he got freshen up and went to kitchen only to see that his baby is decorating his venilla pancakes with Tuna and Fish Sauce with little bit hot sauce and a lot of chillie flex and powdered chilli with few onion rings..Taehyung was beyond shock..whatever Taehyung went near him and back hugged..
Taehyung:baby..what are you doing??
Jungkook:making breakfast for you..taste will be good...
Taehyung: but baby...(his face turned pale seeing that..)you know na I can't tolerate spicy meals..
Jungkook:(teary  eyes)you don't love me anymore??I knew will never love just brought me to take care of you right??(he started crying) you are again gonna kick me right?? oh no my whole world has broken.. my all dream is finished ...nobody loves husband is gonna leave me...oh no what will I do now???/
Taehyung:no baby..shushhh~~~ don't be dramatic..when did I say this baby?
Jungkook: yeahh  know I am dramatic right??I hate you...humph...
Taehyung:petal ,I am sorry for my misbehaviour..forgive me plz..
Jungkook:ok I forgave you..and I love you too..(he said with the cutest giggles..)
Taehyung:I love you too give me my morning kissu..
Jungkook:nope you stink..
Taehyung: literally baby??I just took shower..
Jungkook: nope you ain't getting kissu..
then Jungkook ran towerds washroom for puking (may be you already know the meaning of double Taehyung went to dining table..
Taehyung: my baby is acting wired..
Eunwoo:appa you yourself say that be careful of double bunny now you are being careless?
Yeonjun:yeas appa..he is right..
Taehyung:but double bunny??
Mrs.Kim: how come you are this much careless and idiot Kim Fu**ing Taehyung??double bunny means bunny inside bunny..
Taehyung: what!!?? means my baby is pregnant??wow oh my gosh..
Mrs.Kim:abb...Taehyung we are not sure.. we are just assuming..we are not sure..
Taehyung: don't worry eomma..I'll take him to my hospital today ..and we will return with good news.. I have trust on my thing..
Mrs.Kim: aishh you pervert asshole..
that day they found that Jungkook is 2 weeks pregnant..everyone was so happy..specialy Eunwoo and Yeonjun..

few days later..
at dinner table..
Taehyung: I have a surprise gift  for know I talked to Mr.Park(their family lawyer)
Mrs.Kim: about what??
Taehyung:your divorce with that man..(showing Mr.Kim)..eomma,, why don't you move on..??
Mr.Kim:what are you talking about??
Taehyung: eomma, you remember Kang Dojin uncle...he is still single thinking that you will return to him..why don't you give him a chance eomma..he loves you..
Mr.Kim:what are you saying Taehyung??she is married to me..she is my ligal don't have any right to seperate us??
Taehyung: why you care??as far I remember you never liked her let alone love her..and you can cheat on us but why can't she go to her love who loves him indeed..
Mr.Kim:mind your tounge Taehyung ..don't forget I am still your dad,..
Taehyung:sorry but I can't ..and if you are saying that who am I to meke you two divorce??well I am her biological son..also may be you forgot you made me and my wife separate..if you didn't do this may be I could love him little bit more...may be I could be with his when he was you may say I need you,..well we don't need..I have my profession to take care of my mother,wife and kids..also that bussiness..well my grand parents gave that to me not Mr.Kang is coming to my office..if you want you can come to meet him..

well short intriduction..Kang Dojin is Mrs.Kim's childhood crush..but as she was married they never met..and about the single stuffs?? well you will know soon..

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