"But you like him?" darla added on as Belle turned red.

"Something along the lines of that."

"What do you mean by that?" Darla asked as Belle criss crossed her legs.

"Well, we've never been on a date, or somewhere alone. I mean unless you count this weekend with your son."

"How long have you known each other?"

"Well since June second but, not officially till around June seventh."

"That's not bad! Do you guys have a date planned?"

"No! We kinda just do things spontaneously." Belle shrugged with a smile on her face.

"I'm happy for you Belle. I hope everything works out. I can tell how much happier you are. I mean, you're basically not alone in the city anymore! Plus he seems like a good guy."

"He is a really good guy. But you know me-"

"You're scared. And nothing is wrong with being scared. I was scared when I met your uncle. I was just like you actually. Your dad would force your uncle to man up and ask me out."

"How come I've never known that?" Belle laughed as she tried imagining her father yelling at his brother to ask someone out.

"Well your uncle hates when that story gets told but he doesn't have to know!"

Belle smiled as her aunt grabbed her face softly making her look at her.

"Maybe he needs that push Belle." Darla said with a smile before Belle threw herself into an embrace with her aunt.

*With Techno*

"So what's going on with you and my niece?" Jimmy asked as they stepped into the elevator.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Techno joked with a laugh as Jimmy laughed.

"No but seriously, The way you look at her is the way I look at my wife. And she's my wife." Jimmy stated as they walked out of the elevator.

"Never noticed that."

"You should start paying attention more. Oh you're just like me, wait till Alan finds out."


"Belle's dad, my brother. Blah blah blah."

Techno opened the back seat of his truck as he laughed along with the older man.

"He will make you man up more than you ever had in your life. If you don't man up and do something."

"That doesn't sound terrifying"

"It's not that bad, well it might be worse because you're blindly in love with his daughter!"

"I'm not in love with her."

"You just don't notice it yet"

Jimmy smiled as he watched the younger male think for a second.

"Have you gone on a date yet?"

"I was going to ask her on one but we ended up watching your son instead which was fun actually."

"Are you going to ask her to go on one?"

"Maybe when we are in Florida."

"You're going to Florida?"

"Yeah for Ranboo's birthday."

"Well I'll be seeing you there then!" Jimmy said with a smile as he made a mental note to call his brother later.

"I feel like im talking to Wilbur right now." Techno said as Jimmy looked at him with a confused expression.

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