Chapter 17: "They cant cancel Qudditch"

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Me and Harry's space was a disaster: trunk riffled, drawers flung open, bedclothes strewn on the floor.

"It had to be a Gryffindor. Nobody else knows our password. Unless, it wasn't a student..." Hermione says

"Well, whoever it was, they were looking for something." Ron says

"And they found it... Tom Riddle's diary is gone." Harry says

"Hey! The ruined my book! Whoever did this for a stupid diary, I'm beat their arse!"

"What's in that book anyway?" Hermione asked

"It's his sketchbook, he's good at sketching."

I opened it, it was perfectly fine. "What the bloody hell?" I said flipping the pages and I rolled my eyes and threw it on the nightstand.

Quidditch people streamed into the stadium.

Me and Harry was dressed into our quidditch outfits dashing down the staircase with Ron and Hermione. Down below was ginny.

"Hey, Ginny! Going to the match?" Ron yelled out, Ginny looked up she looked startled then she shakes her head and leaves.

"I tell you, she gets weirder and weirder by the day..." Ron says

"Kill this time... Let me rip...Tear." A voice said and I frozed I'm guessing Harry did to. Ron and Hermione stop knowing by my face.

"No... don't tell me..." Ron says and I turned around looking at Harry and he nods turning around and he starts pressing his fingers against the wall and glances around. I put my fingers on the wall seeing if I can hear anything but I couldn't I turned away and shook my head towards Harry and he shook his head to the voice was gone.

"Leon, Harry... I think I've just understood something! I've got to go to the library!" Hermione says sprinting back up the stairs.

"What do you understand!" Harry yelled

"What doesn't she understand?" I said

Hermione was already gone. Harry turns to Ron in puzzlement.

"The library?" Harry says

"Why do you seem surprised Harry?" I said

"That's Hermione. When in doubt, go to the library." Ron says

Quidditch Stadium
The Gryffindor team, all of us, marched towards the Quidditch tower. You can hear the crowd cheering.

"Listen up now. We play our game, Hufflepuff doesn't stand a chance. We're stronger, quicker, smarter." Oliver says

"Not to mention they're dead terrified wonder boys here, Harry and Leon'll petrify them if they fly anywhere near them." George says

"That, too" Oliver agreed and I smirked, just then, Professor McGonagall appears barring our way.

"Professor McGonagall-" Oliver started but instantly cut off by her.

"This match has been cancelled." She explains.

"What?" I said confused

"Cancelled! They can't cancel Quidditch-" Oliver started

"Silence, Wood! You will return to Gryffindor Tower now. Elliott, Potter, the three of us will find Mr.Weasley. There's something the three of you need to see."

Me and Harry looked each other confused, Harry looked worried as well. I was mad I mean what can be more important than quidditch at this moment, I honestly sounded like Oliver, obsessed, I mean who can blame him.

Childhood Friend (A Harry Potter Fan-Fiction) Book 2 Harry Potter X Male OCWhere stories live. Discover now