In A Midget Room

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In A Midget Room

With A pen clenched in between Her teeth and a Notebook set in Her hand, she circled around Her midget for a room, brainstorming ideas for Her short Story.

She stompted back and forth in Her cube room. Its like a cell in here she thought. No space to walk, No room to think.

There was small wooden bed on the side and a messy cabinet on the corner. An unnecesaary book shelf jammed with old books by a broken lamp stand. And a desk blocking the door half way.

An idea hit Her just before she gave up. She temebled looking for a pen which was still clenched in Her mouth.

With the Note book set in Her hand
She began writting down words and they dropped one after the other like dominos following each other in a long endless trail. After a couple of minutes she was Done.

She hopped in high spirit, almost tripped and fell. A grin painted Her face and she couldnt Hold Her breath. She Finally wrote a short story.
It was about a girl who walked in circles around a midget room, brainstorming an idea for a short Story and complianing about how small as a midgets casket Her room was!

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