Naya imagine 2 | unrelated

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You're auditioning for the role of Dani, Santana's girlfriend, on Glee. Little did you know that the chem. read would show your chemistry with Naya, not only as actors, but as lovers.

I'm waiting in the audition room at Warner Bros. I can't believe that I'm auditioning for this big of a roll after only being extras in movies that didn't even get viewers.

"Y/N, we're ready for you," I hear someone say. That's my queue.

I walk in to see - who I'm assuming is my love interest - standing with her script waiting for me.

"Naya, we gave y/n here a different scene, just to get a feel of all our options, and we forgot to give it to you. So here, I'll give you a minute," A man says.

"Yeah sure, it's no problem," she says, grabbing the script from him. I watch her skim through it quickly, and then giggle at one of her lines. She looks up, and hands the script back to the man. "Wow she read the scene once, and she's already of took me four days to memorize this," I think to myself.

The man takes the script from her, unsurprised at her already knowing it. She looks up at me, and smiles, and then walks closer to me.

"Hi, I'm Naya," she says as she stops walking.

"H-hi, I'm y/n, but you already knew that because he said my name," I say awkwardly.

"Don't be nervous, if you're meant for the role, you're meant for the role. There is no good or bad audition," she says to me reassuringly. I look at her in awe, and nod.


When we finish the chem read, I could tell that I would be called back. Me and Naya had amazing chemistry, and there was no denying it.

At my call back, I had to sing again. Accept this time, I would be singing with Naya. They asked Naya what song she wanted to sing with me, and she asked to sing "The Stupid Things" by Robin Thicke. Not my cup of tea, but the vocals were pretty easy.

As we sang together, I kept noticing her making eye contact, and then nervously looking away. I assumed it was her getting into character, but I noticed her doing it when we were chatting separate from the audition.

"Have you even watched the show?" She says through a laugh as we talk outside of the studio.

"No..." I say shyly. She laughs harder. I love her laugh. She leans forward, getting ready to say something.

"Me neither," she says quietly. I laugh, and then she gets a call. After chatting with the person on the other line, she turns to me sadly.

"I have to go chem read with someone else. However, you better not forget that you're my favorite."

"I won't," I respond, smiling, as she turns, and walks away.


I'm sitting in my Vancouver apartment, with my feet on the armrest of a chair, and my back up against the other side. I'm watching Glee, because apparently it helps to actually watch the show you're auditioning for. That's when I get a call from my best friend, Lexie.

"Y/N, there is no need for you to be ignoring me," she says playfully.

"I am not ignoring you, Lex, I'm- working?"

"Mhm sure, so what are you really doing Mrs. Unemployed."

"Well I'm watching Glee, but technically it's for work."

"Oh my god, you're finally watching it? I thought you already auditioned."

"I did but-"

"But you wanna see your love interest in action don't you."


"Don't "what?" me, I've seen the show. I know how hot Santana is...or should I say Naya,"

"Shut up."

"You're just hoping that they choose you aren't you, that way you get to see her every single-"

"Hanging up now." I hear the little chime of the ended call, and laugh at the stupidity of my best friend. Imagine ME having a crush on Naya Rivera. She's so out of my league that it hurts. Plus: she's not even my type. But damn is she hot.


I literally started crying when I got the news. I landed the role. I ACTUALLY landed the role. The first person I called was Lexie, and then my parents.

"I start work on Monday," I say to Lexie, totally siked.

"I bet you can't wait to see those little cheerleading skirts IRL." She teases.

"Please let this go."

"Never, I would be throwing myself at Naya if I were you."

"Trust me, It's hard not to. Her laugh is sheer joy, and she's constantly laughing,"

"Awww your little crush is cute."

"It's not a crush. It's just...admiration,"

"Mhm okay, I have to go it's 3AM here,"

"Okay bye, I love you,"

"Love you,"


"Hey, y/n, do you mind handing me the drink on that table over there?" Naya asks when I walk onto set.

"Sure yeah," I say handing her the cup of coffee.

"You ready for our meet-cute?" She says all smiley.

"Ready as I'll ever be," I respond. Her smile made me smile. I have a feeling working with her is going to be amazing, yet difficult.

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