Naya imagine | Co-stars

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First days are tough. You wake up especially early to dig through you closet for the perfect outfit. Even though you're going to get changed out of it by your stylist, you still want to make a good first impression. You find yourself wanting to go casual, but still nice. You slip on a dark green, long sleeve button up, and ripped black jeans. "This will surely impress her." You say to yourself, getting ready to walk out the door. You grab your black converse before heading to your first day as the star in a new dance movie.

When you arrive to set, you look around in anticipation. You've been watching her on TV for as long as you can remember. She was your gay-awakening, the reason you came out, the light at the end of your tunnel. Not to mention the fact that she's extremely hot.

The only problem with your massive crush on her is the age difference. She's 33, and you're 23. But even in her 30s she looks as good as ever. There she is. Naya Rivera. The hottest women you've ever laid eyes on. You feel your body stiffen as you watch her laughing with the other actors. She turns to look at you, and does a double take when she sees you. She's wearing a red sweater, and black pants, with slides. She isn't exactly dressed to impress like you are, but you've always thought red was her color.

She wraps up her conversation with the other actors, and makes her way towards you.

"Hey! You must be Y/N! I'm Nayaaa!" She says cheerfully, dragging her name out in the most adorable way.

"I know.." you say laughing nervously. She laughs with you, and you can feel your breath stop. Her laugh is the most perfect thing you've ever heard, and you could listen to it all day.

"Did you watch Glee?" She says, still smiling.

"Yeah," you respond, "you are- you are the reason I came out." You laugh it off as if you didn't just let her know you were in awe of her.

"Oh, that's great! I'm so happy I helped you! But...from now on, you aren't a fan. You're a friend. Now let's go, don't wanna miss our mark." She says, putting a hand on your shoulder, and walking you into the building.

After a few months of filming, you and Naya seemed to hit it off. She hangs out at your apartment frequently to rewatch Glee episodes with you, and make fun of herself. It's hard to think if a time where you two weren't friends, but you'll always be fangirling over every little thing she does. The way her hair always ends up in her face. The way she manages to break into song jo matter the circumstance, the way she purses her lips when she's in thought.

One night, she's over at your place, and you two are laughing your asses of on her couch. You're both more tipsy than you'd like to admit, and you're eating sushi and chips.

"No, listen to me," Naya says to you, getting suddenly serious, "Y/N/N listen to me!" She says, breaking the stern look and laughing again. "I. Looked. Like. A. Child." She finally says, grabbing your shoulders, and looking you in the eyes.

"Are you shitting me? You looked hot! You always look hot!" I say to her grabbing her face. Before you know it the alcohol, or the massive crush you have on her, or the way she looks in the TV light, or all three, takes over, and you're kissing her.

"I'm sorry- you say pulling away almost immediately. I can't believe I just kissed Naya Rivera-" You stammer out.

"Hey. What did I tell you. You're not a fan anymore. You're a friend." A moment passes as you both look at each other figuring out what to say next. Finally she breaks the silence.

"Am I crazy or did that just feel right?" She asks. I look at her, and then down at her lips. I don't want to kiss her again, but it feels impossible to not be in contact with her in every way possible. And then she did what I wanted her to do so bad. She kissed me. And then everything felt right.

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