Chapter Three

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"I remember the first night we hung out. I invited her to one of Harry's parties. She was so nervous, even though there was no reason to be. At the time, I didn't know what being around people did to her. But that night, she got through it, and looking back on it now, I couldn't be more proud of her."


I walked up to Shelby's apartment and knocked on the door. I was excited to hang out with her tonight and get to learn a little more about her. Maybe she could even meet Harry and his girlfriend, Madison. She could even meet Maddie and Mallori, Liam and Niall's girlfriends. They all could be good friends.

The door opened a moment later and Shelby stood there, looking gorgeous. Her hair was straightened and she wore a light layer of makeup. She wore a floral dress that went down to the middle of her thighs with a white cardigan. Under the dress she wore black leggings and black combat boots. She looked beautiful.

"Hi," she said a little timidly.

"Hey," I said. "You look beautiful,"

She blushed and lowered her head. "Thank you," she said. "You look nice too,"

"So, you ready to go?" I asked her.

"Yeah, just let me grab my bag," he said and scurried off somewhere inside her apartment. She returned a moment later with a little black purse. "Okay I'm ready,"

"Well let's go," I said. We walked down to the street and I showed her to my car. I opened the passengers side door for her.

"Thank you," she said giving me a small smile and sliding into the car. I closed the door and walked around to the drivers side, getting in, and starting the car. As we started driving I noticed Shelby looked nervous.

"Are you okay?" I asked her.

"Yeah. I'm fine," she replied simply.

"Are you sure? You look a little nervous,"

"I don't do well in big crowds is all," she said looking down at her hands. "I'll be fine,"

"We don't have to go to the party," I said. "We can do something else,"

"No, it's okay," she said.

"I don't want to make you uncomfortable,"

"Trust me Louis," she said looking over at me. "It's okay. I want to go,"

"Okay," I said. "So, tell me about yourself,"

She let out an awkward laugh. "I'm quiet boring," she said.

"I highly doubt that," I said.

"I spend my days reading with my cat and drinking coffee like it's essential to my survival. That's all," she said.

"You like cats?"

"More like love," she said. "I swear I'm going to die alone with thirty cats,"

I chuckled. "I won't let you die alone,"

She blushed. "Well I don't ever plan on falling in love or getting married or anything," she said.

"Well I just might have to change that," I said pulling up to an apartment complex. "Here we are,"

I got out and went over to the passengers side and opened the door for Shelby. She got out and gave me a small thank you.

"Don't worry, we'll have fun," I said putting my hand on her shoulder. She flinched and I retracted my hand. "Sorry,"

"It's not you," she said and I decided to drop the subject.

I showed her up to Harry's apartment. I knocked on the door and turned to Shelby. "I'll introduce you to my friends," I said. "They're idiots, but really nice,"

She smiled. "That's cute,"

The door opened and I was greeted by Maddie, Liam's girlfriend. She's quiet a lovely girl. She has really pretty blue eyes and brown hair. "Hey Lou!" she said hugging me. "We didn't think you'd show up,"

"Well I was just picking up Shelby here," I said motioning to Shelby.

Maddie smiled. "Hi, I'm Maddie, Liam's girlfriend. It's nice to meet you," Maddie said.

"I'm Shelby," Shelby said shyly. "It's nice to meet you too,"

"Maddie? Who's at the door?" someone said. Madison, Harry's girlfriend, walked up behind Maddie. Madison's a really nice girl too. She has long golden brown hair and hazel eyes. "Oh! Hey Louis," she said. "Who's that?"

"This is Shelby, a friend of mine," I said.

"Hi Shelby," Madison said. "I'm Madison,"

"Hi," Shelby said.

"Okay well let them in," Madison said poking Maddie in the side.

"Ow! Hey!" Maddie said elbowing Madison. The two girls moved out of the doorway and Shelby and I walked in.

"They're crazy," I said to Shelby.

She nodded. "I got that," she said. "They seem nice though,"

"Hey! Shelby! Come meet Mallori!" Maddie said tugging on Shelby's arm. I saw her flinch again.

"Um okay," Shelby said as Maddie dragged her off to Mallori. Mallori is Niall's girlfriend. She's a very kind girl. She has long brown hair and big brown eyes.

I found the other boys and went to talk to them. "Hey Lou," Zayn said as I approached them.

"Hey guys," I said.

"So, you got a new girl?" Niall smirked.

"She's just a friend," I said sadly.

"You want to ask her out don't you?" Liam said.

I nodded. "Yeah. She's amazing and I've only known her for two days,"

"Don't rush anything," Harry said. "You hardly know her,"

"But I already know I love her," I said looking over to where Shelby was. She was with the other girls. They all seemed very intrigued by Shelby's teal hair.

"What's her name?" Zayn asked.

"Shelby," I said.

"She's really pretty," Liam said. "Not as pretty as Maddie but...." he trailed off.

I slapped his shoulder. "Shut up," I said. "She's perfect,"

"She seems really shy," Harry said.

I nodded. "Yeah, she is," I said. "But I like that about her,"

"You should ask her out," Zayn said.

"Yeah, ask her out," Niall said.

I smiled. "I think I will,"


Hi! Thank you so much for reading! It means so much to me! I hope you have a great day! Lots of love! :)

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