" I got these for you, I know you will start your period this week and I want you to be in a good mood. The pickles are for me but you can eat them if you want" he says starting at me this time rather than the bags.

That's sweet even if I am not actually getting my period.

My hand mentally flies to my mouth as if I actually said it.

Getting me snacks doesn't mean anything.

"Thank you" I say to him this time, I can't not say thank you. It bugs me.

I watch as he unloads the lollipops and puts them next to the pickles.

I wonder what a lollipop dipped in pickle juice tastes like.

Sweet? Sour? Salty?

My mouth waters more at the thought.

I want to try it...

I have to.

But I can't.

I don't want to do anything that might make him suspicious.

" I see you want the pickles and lollipop huh" he says with a smile and a hint of amusement in his voice.

am I really this obvious?

"n-no I mean the pickles are yours and I don't feel like eating right now" I say not knowing what to say.

" let's play a game" he suggests still smiling.

" we try weird food combos and whoever wins gets to ask the other a question".

He wants to play a game with me?


I would say no if I wasn't about to cry needing to try the lollipop with the pickles juice.

I nod in response.

" you go first" he urges.

I don't want to be obvious so I take some of the chips and eat it with jelly beans.

It's weird, not good and not bad just weird.

I look at him and say "your turn" a little too eagerly because I want it to be my turn again to eat what I want.

He laughs taking some chocolate with a mint candy.

"that's not fair, it would taste like mint chocolate." I say without thinking.

" aha then show me what's weird" he challenges.

I take the lollipop and the pickles jar ready to try the weird combo.

My excitement turns into annoyance when I fail to open the jar.

Ace take the jar from my hands and opens it for me silently.

I mumble a thank you and dip the lollipop in the juice.

I quickly put it in my mouth and enjoy the party happening in my taste buds.

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