Chapter 2

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Giselle hid a smile as she continued sketching in her diary. Finally, after two whole days she got both the eyes done exactly the way she wanted them to look. Sparkling, full of life and mischievousness, with a hint of pain.

It took everything in her not to run to him, comfort him, ask him what was wrong but she could not. In fact, she didn't think she ever would have the courage to do so.

After all, he was not even her friend.

Yes, he was considered as family to everyone at home but they hardly even talked to each other. She could not just go up to him and say 'I can see the pain in your eyes. Do you want to tell me what's wrong?'. It simply would never happen and she knew that very well.

Next to her drawing, Giselle wrote down a quote, one that her father had introduced her to. If love did not come with its obstacles, how could it even be love? Love is about passion, about wanting to kill or to be killed, for that one special person who holds the key to your heart, body, mind and soul. The only way to have such a feeling even after a million years is for it to go through every challenge and still come out victorious.

Beside it, she wrote the name of the man she knew she loved since young–Jace Haime.

She looked at the drawing she made of him longingly, wishing they lived in some alternate universe where she was not so painfully shy and he was not just her brother's best friend, before flipping the book shut and focusing back on her lunch.

It was hard to sit alone in the cafeteria, with everyone's curious glances, probably wondering what one of the most popular guy's sister was doing without her two best friends. Or as the bullies liked to say 'sidekicks'.

If only Giselle could get the hurtful people to stay away from her best friends, high school would be a much better experience. They never touched her, simply because she was vice-captain of football team, Luke's, sister but her friends were never spared from the insults, taunts and physical bullying.

It made her want to do something to them, made an ugly emotion crawl up her chest and make her crave hitting them and giving them a taste of their own medicine. But Giselle lacked the course to do that. Just like how she lacked the course to talk to Jace. Groaning inaudibly, she cursed herself internally.

If only someone taught her how to have the courage to do things, all her problems could be solved.

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