"Well I'm ready to get out of here. I'm ready to spend more time with you," Mateo says as he opens the cafeteria door. I laugh at him and he looks at me with a confused look.

"We already see each other everyday in school, and we hang out on weekends."

"Sometimes. Sometimes we hang out on weekends," he huffs out and I roll my eyes. "What I mean is that we get to hang out more like all day."

"Mmm I don't know if I wanna hang out with you though," I shrug my shoulders playfully and attempt to let go of his hand. His hand tightens around mine as he pulls me down to my seat at the table and wraps an arm around my shoulder.

"You do wanna hang out with me V," he whispers into my ear and chill runs down my spine. My cheeks heat up as I look at him and he places a quick kiss on my forehead. I look towards the entrance of the cafeteria and see Alison and Alejandro making their way over. Adam said he had to go do something before he came but I don't remember what.

"Hello hello," Alison says as she takes a seat in front of me. Alejandro takes a seat next to her which is in front of Mateo.

"Has Adam told you guys about the plan for Friday?" Alejandro asks us and we nod. "Do you guys think we should leave that early?"

"We still haven't asked our parents yet, but I would rather leave at eight instead of six," Mateo says as he takes a sip from his water bottle.

"I don't mind, but if the majority votes for later than that's the plan," I casually say and take out my fruit snacks. I open the bag and offer some to everyone around the table. Alison takes a few, Alejandro politely declines, and Mateo, well he always eats my snacks so there was no point in asking.

"Yeah I'm with Veronica. It's better to just get there early and rest. I mean obviously we're gonna rest either way, but if we want to do something later we have enough time to." Alison comments. I smile at her and continue eating my fruit snacks. We all continue talking about the trip for a few minutes until Adam stumbles into the seat next to me out of breath.

"Why are you out of breath?" Alejandro asks and Adam holds up his index finger telling him to wait. I hand him one of my water bottles and he nods his head thanking me. I like to carry extra water just in case I finish one throughout the day.

"I was walking over here from the other side of the school and that's when Stephanie saw me. She started asking me if I was single so I just ran. I guess she forgot about you Mateo," he laughs and I turn to look at Mateo.

"Who's Stephanie?"

"She's this girl that was at one of Adam's parties one time. She was trying to get with Alejandro but he rejected her, so then she kept bothering me and I ignored her too. I guess it was Adam's turn this time." Alejandro begins to laugh across us and I look at Alison. We look at each other before laughing along with Alejandro.

"Well I don't want her either so she better get the hint quickly. Ooo can I have some Veronica?" He points at my fruit snacks and I push the bag towards him.

For the rest of lunch, we spend talking about what we're going to do at the cabin. Well mostly them, I was just thinking if Mom and Dad will let me go.


I unlock the door to the front door and step into the house. I can smell fresh flowers which means Mom brought some home. The TV is playing and I can hear Dad laugh. Good. They're both here. I walk into the kitchen and kiss Mom on the cheek.

"Hi mija. How was school?" She asks as she fixes a bunch of roses.

"It was good. I actually wanted to talk to you and Dad about something," she looks up from the roses and eyes me suspiciously.

"You're not pregnant right?" My eyes widen and I begin to laugh. Please I can't with this lady.

"No!" I exclaim once my laughter calms down. "Just come on, let's go to the living room." She sets down her garden scissors and begins to follow me to the living room. I take a seat next to Dad and Mom sits next to me so I'm in between them.

"Okay so I wanted to ask you both something. So as you know, senior skip day is on Friday. Well Adam invited Alison, Alejandro, Mateo, and I to go spend some time at his family cabin. I was wondering if you guys would let me go?" I let out a breath and clap my hands together. Please let me go.

"You would leave Friday?" Dad asks and I nod my head. He looks towards the TV and has his thinking face on. I look at Mom and she squints her eyes at me. I squint back at her and she begins to smile. That's a yes. My attention turns back to Dad and he turns the volume down of the TV.

"How far away is it?" He questions.

"About two hours."

"I think we should let her," Mom says and Dad looks at her. "It's her senior year, she should go have fun." She grabs my shoulders and pulls me back. She starts playing with my hair and I relax against her.

"That's true," he sighs and faces Mom and I. "You can go, but you have to answer your phone whenever we call. And don't do anything we wouldn't. Just be careful and make sure you and Alison stay with the boys." I nod excitedly.

"Thank you," I tell them and begin to move off of the couch. Mom moves closer to Dad and rests her head on his shoulder.

"You're welcome, but I'm serious Veronica. Answer your phone and be careful." Dad points his finger at me.

"I will, I swear." I begin to walk towards the stairs and I can hear Dad towards the TV. I run up the stairs and walk into my room quickly. I grab my phone and Facetime Mateo. It only takes a few seconds before he picks up.

"Hello," I can see that he's laying down on his bed.

"My parents said yes! I get to go on Friday," a smile takes over his face through the screen and I laugh. "Did your parents say yes?"

"Yeah they did."

I am very excited now. Who knows what we're gonna do but just being able to hang out with my friends somewhere new is exciting. I look at Mateo on my phone and I see that he's set up his phone on his pillow and his eyes are starting to close. He loves to take naps after school.

"Are you gonna take a nap?" I whisper. His eyes remain closed but his lips form into a small smile. I set up my phone the same way he has his. The warm cover envelops me and my eyes begin to feel droopy.

"Yes," he whispers back. "You should take one too."

"Okay," I nuzzle my head into my pillow and let out a sigh. "I love you."

"I love you always." And with that, I fall into a peaceful sleep.


Hi my lovelies! I'm here to say that there are only a few chapters left to this book :( This was a filler chapter but I have a very exciting ending planned! I hoped you enjoy reading this! I love you all so much<3



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