Chapter 2

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You woke suddenly, your entire body aching badly. Slowly you opened your eyes to see a whitewashed ceiling with patterns. Confused, you sat up, looking around the room and taking everything in, you felt worried, you had no idea where you were so slowly you got out of the comfortable bed and yelped, your stomach stunning with pain. You ignored this thought and stood, your legs shaking and weak, you wondered what had happened to you, however, you could not remember anything.

Slowly you walked toward the door and tried it, expecting it to be locked, it opened with ease. You were now in an empty hallway, the sun streaming through decorative windows. This place was beautiful, however, you needed to escape, thinking that whoever lived here hurt you. You started to walk toward what seemed like a way out, however, it brought you further into the building.

"Excuse me?" someone asked, you froze, you had been caught. You turned to see a tall, dark-haired elf who wore beautiful blue robes. "Lord Elrond wishes to see you"

"Where am I?" you asked, backing up slightly.

"Rivindell" the elf said politely. "I am Lindir"

"Why am I here?" you asked, further backing away from Lindir, he did not look aggressive but you still could not be sure.

"You were found by Lord Elrond" Lindir murmured. "Now come along"

Lindir started walking toward you and you flinched, worried he would hurt you, instead, he walked past and signalled you to follow. Slowly you did so, making sure to keep a distance between the elf and yourself, still not properly trusting anyone.

"After you" Lindir said, pointing his hand to an open door. You made a worried face and looked up at him before slowly walking into the room.

The room you entered was a study, with books on the walls and a desk in the middle of the room which was placed in a way the light would fall onto it. The entire room was open and bright and in the centre of it, behind the desk sat another elf, this must be Elrond. Elrond looked older than Lindir and wiser, with dark hair and brown robes which flowed off him, he also wore a gentle smile which he detected to you as he stood, offering a seat next to his desk which you took.

"I am glad to see you awake" Elrond said, "I am Lord Elrond of Rivendell" he looked at you, wishing for your name, however you stretched your head.

"I do not remember my name" you said, thinking as hard as you could, to try and remember anything.

"That is strange" Elrond said, looking through some notes laid out in front of him. "I am sure your memories will return in due course"

"Why am I here?" you asked.

"I found you when stopping a pack of orcs, you must have been captured by them" Elrond said gently, "That was three moons ago. I healed you to the best of my ability, however, your wounds may still hurt" Elrond stood and ducked down to a small woven basket, placing it on the desk. You looked into it to see random objects. "Your things" he said, "I took the liberty to clean your clothes"

You took the basket and placed it on your lap, looking through the objects. There were the clothes Elrond mentioned, a small dagger, some lembas bread and a notebook.

"You may stay in Rivendell for as long as you need" Elrond said,

"You are too kind" you said quietly, clutching the basket slightly.

"It is my pleasure" he said, standing and opening the door for you. You stood, the basket in your hands and left the room to be face to face with Lindir again. "I shall show you back to your room" he said, ushering you back toward the room you had woken in.

Lindir left you to your room and you placed the basket down, picking up the clothes, they were brown and did not give any indication of where you were from. Taking out the notebook you flicked through the pages, inside there were writings of plants and creatures which interested you, however, they did not jog your memory. Sitting down on the bed you sighed. The question of who you were going round and round in your mind, however, you gained no answer.

Getting up from the bed you went over to the small balcony which looked over Rivendell. You leaned on the railing and looked at the valley and the rivers which flowed down it, you smiled, after meeting Elrond you felt better and more at home in this beautiful place. You smiled, feeling the warm sun on your face and the cool breeze blowing your hair slightly.

Elrond was still sitting in his study, lost in thought. He was glad you were awake and walking, however, he was confused that you could not remember any of your memories. He had gone through the notebook and discovered complicated drawings and information about different species of plants and animals, if this was yours it showed you were very knowledgeable about the natural world.

Elrond stood and let his hand brush the table as he walked out of his study toward the library, he did not know a lot about amnesia, however, he knew he had a book on the subject. He wanted to help you, your troubles reminding him of his wife, Elrond disliked thinking about his wife and what happened, worried his grief would consume him, he was glad that she was now at peace in Aman. He shook his head and entered the library and starting to read.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2021 ⏰

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