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Why did I even do this? I shouldn't have opened that almairah. Ma told the second one and I opened the first one.

After wiping off those tears, I got up thinking, to atleast do the work she has given. I scanned few documents and sent her.

Now I'm in a turmoil. Whether I should go out and ask his forgiveness or sit here in the store room? That gift was so much precious to him and I broke it.
I shouldn't have done that.
What if some stranger comes and breaks any of the gifts given by Amogh? It feels terrible. He's going through the same thing.

In no time, the door banged. So, he's going out. Within few minutes, I heard his car engine start and pull his car out of the parking lot.

I heard the sound of rain falling on the window dormer, bringing me out of my reverie. The pattering of rain took its pace as though giant stones were being hit on the skylight window.
I hope this rain, would bring new life. I hope this rain would wash out all those things happened between us. I hope this rain would try to create a new bond, named friendship between us.

I was sitting, on the chair, my legs folded, close to chest and the first thunderstorm broke, enough for me to shake in terror. Today, it'll be very difficult for me. I know.

Vedika, don't panic. Nothing will happen. Breathe in. Breathe out. Your Kanha, he's with you. He won't leave your side.

One more thunderstorm broke, which lightened the whole store room for few seconds through the skylight window. I bent my head closing my eyes and ears through my palms. I hid my face in between my knees and chest.

Vedika, No. You are a bold girl. You are that flawless Queen who can shut mouths of countless men. You are the strongest.

I kept saying. My ears, though closed, could hear, roar of the rains with intermittent rumblings of thunderstorm.

It was the same scenario, it was raining heavily that day too. Thunders were booming the same way. He was drunk, for the first time in his life. He, paid no attention to my words. He....he......he....was....
Just then a thunderstorm broke, seemed like a sonic boom.

"Amogh" I screamed my lungs out.
"But Nachiketh....he's out.....Nachiketh"

I felt my ears still quivering due to the sound. My head aching, but swirling.
My eyesight going blur. I was losing my breath. I heard few faint footsteps approaching me swiftly. Someone was calling my name. I can't breathe. I feel my breath getting hitched.

What is happening to me? I was losing balance. I felt my head strike the floor. Everything blacked out all of a sudden.


Author's POV

She had caged her heart in his memories. She had caged herself in his reminiscence. She had caged all her happiness. She had caged her present in the memories of her past. But today, she gathered up all the courage in her, to bestow herself a new life, a new journey.

Tara aunty and Raju kaka, came running to the store room upon hearing her loud voice, only to see her falling out of conscious on the floor.

"Vedika...Vedika" Tara aunty called her patting on her cheeks. But, she paid no heed to her cries and laid unconsciously.

"Tara, we'll take her to the room." Raju kaka said and both of them with utmost care took her to the room and made her lay on the bed.

Tara aunty sprinkled water many times, but she did not make any effort to come out of her state. They both made her to drink water, but in vain.

"I'll call Nachiketh" said Raju kaka and tried to call him. After calling him the nth time and not getting an answer back,

"There's no point in trying to call him. I'll call Aarav, he stays near by. He'll bring his Car. We'll take her to the hospital." said Raju kaka.

Aarav picked the call in two rings, "Yeah, Kaka."

"Beta, Vedika is unconscious. Get your car as fast. We need to take her to the hospital." said Kaka.

"I'm coming. Nachiketh is also with me. I'll bring him." said Aarav

"Nachiketh, your wife, she's unconscious. We need to take her to the hospital." Said Aarav.

When Nachiketh heard about her health, his heart was filled with guilt.
He was numb. He didn't react. He stood still.

Aarav somehow managed to bring him.
Just when Nachiketh saw, his wife, his new friend lying on the bed lifelessly, his heart ached. He couldn't look at his friend lying like that.
He went swiftly, patted on her cheeks, trying to bring her back to conscious.

"Ms.Dutta, get up. Please don't punish me like this. For whatever I've done until today, I'm ready to apologize. Please get up. I can't see you like this. Get up." he lamented.

"Nat, this is not the time to feel guilty, we need to take her to the hospital." said Aarav. Nachiketh scooped her in his arms and took her to the car. He made her keep to her head on his lap. Aarav settled on the driver seat.

The whole way to the hospital, amidst the heavy rains, Nachiketh was trying to wash away all those bitter memories between them and trying to connect with her.

"Ms.Dutta...No. You wanted me to call you Mrs.Thakur, right? Listen Mrs.Thakur, you need to get up now, for your Mr.Thakur, for your friend. Stop scaring me. You have no right to make me feel guilty for my actions. You have to get up.

Okay. Not Mrs.Thakur. Vedika, please get up. You are my friend. Friends always respect each other's words. Vedika, this is too much. GET UP FOR GOD'S SAKE." he shouted, cried, yelled, but she wasn't ready to give up her unconscious state.

They reached the hospital. She was taken to ICU, Doctors were examining her. After almost half an hour, Vedika's Parents along with her sister came to the hospital.

At the same time, Doctor came out,
"Mr.Nachiketh, your wife, she has got a panic attack. Was she suffering earlier?"

"Yes." Vishika told.

"We need to keep her in observation for a day. She'll gain her conscious soon." said the Doctor and went away.

Here Vishika was glaring at Nachiketh, with red shot eyes. If it was killing a person with eyes, he would have been dead until then.

"I need to talk to you." she said and he followed her.



Choices are companions that can make anything you wish to be.
All it takes is making the right choices, choosing what you believe in and most importantly walking with your choices.
So, if someone out there cannot do it, either re-think everything or re-choose, or have belief and keep walking.

Everything depends on YOU.

Kanha is with everyone, he knows what to and how to make it best for you. 


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