Cold Fire

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It's hard to Hold breath Underwater. Especially Coldwater But It's how I buried My thoughts, in the tub with water up to My chin. I close My eyes and dip Then I Hold My breath as long as I can.

Sometimes 10 minutes, sometimes more.

I did It so often to the point My teeth cracked from beating against each other.
But I loved the emptiness.
It was As if the cold had reached deep into My soul and froze My thoughts, My dark thoughts.

But i also disliked it so much. I disliked being a walking dead, a numb soul, a cold man with No Purpose. And What is a man with no purpose But a walking corpse?

Every day, the same.
The alarm yells 7; I put on My clothes and leave for work. Then at 5, I put on My coat and head home, fill My tub with cold water up to My chin Then dip inside and enjoy as My nerves benumbed.

But every once in a while I crave warmth. I craved heat. But No burning sun big enough can make me feel again Except for Hers.

Her touch was warmer than a campfire on a cold night, burning the tips of My fingers. And when she looks at Me with those brightest of hazel eyes, My heart pumps again and My soul burns with desire.

To seek Her love became My new purpose and Her smile became My new remedy.

Flash Fictions and Shorts storiesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon