3~ Fight

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Sinon drew her bow and breathed out, aiming for her first target as Klein and Kirito drew their weapons. Silica narrowed her eyes, muttering to the blue dragon on her head.

The opposition opened fire, a barrage of acid, ice, fire, explosions and... Cakes? 

Rocks rained from the sky, surrounded in a slight pink glow, hitting Pina right off Silica's head. The girl screamed in anger and ran to her pet, checking for any injuries.

The fight began to escalate, more weapons and spells thrown at each other.

Kirito hummed and drew both his swords, immediately dueling exchanging blows with a guy in white with a tail. They fought, his opposition dodging his blows and sending blows back at him. 

All of a sudden, he was thrown again the big doors behind him. The hinges creaked and the doors opened inwards, releasing Kirito into a dark chamber.

"Wait- No! Wait!"

The doors shut and he was left alone. Hundreds of red eyes peered at him through the darkness and he gulped, backing towards the door, holding out his sword. Handle met hand and Kirito pulled, as hard as he could, trying to open the door but to no luck. It wouldn't budge.

 The things crept closer, snapping at his feet and calves. He slashed again, but they just dodged.

Damn.... These things are fast....

Then, the doors burst wide open and someone- no. Some people rushed in, some thing glowing in the dark in a variety of different colours.

The things scattered and the room suddenly seemed brighter without the presence of those little demonic figures.

"Hey. Who are you and what's happening out there."

Kirito turned. "Uhmmmm.... My name is..."

There was a blone haired girl who was scowling at him, and she was backed up by several others who looked equally as menacing.

"Well? Spit it out! We won't hesitate to attack." Her fingertip glowed a hot pink and Kirito gulped nervously.

"I-I'm Kirito... Outside, my friends are fighting with some other group of people who showed up. While fighting with one guy, I got pushed in here by accident and couldn't re-open the door."

The girl nodded and lowered her hand, seemingly satisfied with the answer. "I'm Sophie, that black haired girl's name is Agatha, those three are Hester, Anadil and Dot. That boy there is Hort and the other Aric. White haired boy is Rafal."

Kirito nodded and rushed past them after the introduction. He needed to help his friends. Outside was still mayhem and he could see that his friends wouldn't hold up any longer. "HEY! EVERYONE!"

No one heard him. "EVERYONE! SHUT UP!"

All eyes turned to him; his knees buckled as over 30 pairs of eyes gazed at him.

"Why are we fighting. We have no reason to fight. My friends and I didn't come here to 'attack your school.' We're here to ascend the World Tree."

Midoriya spoke again. "That's what we're here for too. What about the other group behind you?"

"Same reason as you all." Agatha turned away, obviously displeased.

"Then we have no reason to be fighting each other."

The angry blonde stepped forwards. "We have every right to be fighting! Each group wants to be the first to ascend the world tree to become the ultimate species!"

Kirito was about to speak again, but Asuna stepped up, putting her hand on his shoulder, effectively calming him down. "We're not going to fight this out, and I wish to not resort to violence."

Sophie glared daggers at Asuna. "Well then, how do you propose this situation?"

There was silence, each person willing another to speak, to come up with an idea.

"Alright. There's no other way to settle this. We all have one month. We meet up at the GGO entrance building at this time next month. We'll have seven practice rounds, then two elimination rounds. Whoever is left at the end of the elimination rounds gets to ascend the world tree. Everyone on board?" Sinon pushed a button on her bow and it morphed into a gun. "We usse guns and the swords supplied there to our will. Nothing else will be accepted."

Midoriya frowned. "But where'd you get your gun from?"

"I was the champion of ten GGO elimination rounds in a row so they gifted me this. Lisbeth just did some alterations. I'll only use the gun in the rounds though."

Kirito nodded again, making silent confirmation with this team. "So, it's settled, we all meet in a month for a final deciding round."

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