"He hasn't done anything. You are on such thin ice after last time with the whole shouting match, he only let you off the hook because you were injured and now you guys are on manageable terms. Do not fuck it up, again."

"Fuck what up, exactly? He hates me, I hate him so I see nothing left there to fuck up. And I can bet you the main reason he doesn't like me is that I can see right through him. Our boss is a dick."

"Louis, shut up," Liam said with a half playful, half serious nudge.

"I'm sorry, can't hear you over the shit music our SHITHEAD BOSS is playing-"

"Louis, that's enough!"

"SIMON COWELL IS A FUCKING ARSEWIPE!" Louis rolled his eyes when Simon thundered back.

"Excuse me?! Liam, what did your friend just say?!"

"Why don't you talk directly to me so I can get even more descriptive, you coward, you-"

"I swear to God, Lou- he didn't say anything, boss!" The door slammed and Liam let out a sigh of relief, placing a hand on Louis' chest. "Lou. I know you're getting emotional over Harry right now. It's making you lash out, just calm down-"

"I am not- fuck. Harry Edward Styles! Get over here. Now." Harry got up once he heard his full name, locking eyes with the bartender. He had never seen him so riled up before but as usual, his mind found it attractive as fuck. He inched over and took a seat on a bar stool, biting his lip. Louis was going to speak but Harry couldn't keep it in any longer.

"I want you to fuck me- I mean, I want to fuck you- I mean- both? Fuck... Each other? Fuck ourselves? Do I sound insane?" Louis blinked at him and Harry froze. The weight was off his shoulders now that he had spilled but the secret was properly out in the open, causing some more anxiety-induced rambling.

"I mean- I don't- like you're asexual and all, yes but you said if you care it's okay, right? Not that I matter to ya or anything, I'm just some big-mouthed weirdo. Remember what you told me, this morning? Customer, bartender, blah blah? It's just- you're really sexy and- I kind of maybe had a steamy dream about you today after begging myself not to imagine you in suspenders - spoiler alert, I failed at that- I'm being so dumb, aren't I- it's my brain, blame my fucking brain- God, I'm going to shut up now, I'm such an idiot, ignore everything I've ever said in my life, thank you."

"Okay...? First of all... You're not a big mouth. I've told you I like listening to you talk. That won't change. Second, of course, the care thing... You're wrong. I do. So you're wrong." Harry's eyes widened and he managed to look up but quickly hid his head behind his folded arms on the counter when their eyes met. He just told a man he hadn't known for up to a month that he wanted to sleep with him. He thought he had gotten past this point but then again, it was Louis who had no fucking clue how attractive he really was. If it was possible to do things like the other Harry in his life and disappear behind an Invisibility Cloak, he would have done so by then.

"Let's just act like I never walked in here today, yeah? ...please?" Louis planned to joke about it but he heard the crack in Harry's voice, clear as day. He genuinely felt guilty about his thoughts. Frankly, no one had ever admitted something like this to him before. What about him could possibly have attracted the lad when he was so gorgeous and so out of his league? Louis didn't have an answer to that but all that alcohol meant Harry was being genuine and he didn't want him feeling bad for such bizarre flattery.

"Harry...? I'm going to be honest with you, right now. Okay? Call it an overshare for an overshare." Harry rose his head ever so slightly and nodded, ears perked. What could Louis possibly want to tell him?

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