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"Kacchan, I can't make it tonight so I thought it would be fun to go out tomorrow instead!" Izuku strolled into the classroom and over to his friend whom relaxed, feet up on the desk. It was morning; early as shown by the lack of audience they had to overhear their secret plans. 

The two hadn't told the rest of the class about their ritual, meeting in the blond's dorm for study and games due to Katsuki asking if it was really necessary. He didn't want them asking dumb questions, and he knew they would get the wrong idea if they (especially his friends) found out that the two boys were spending so much time together - alone. So it was a secret, Izuku would be lying if he said it wasn't exhilarating sneaking around. 

"How come?" no sneer or menace were behind his words, long since departed whenever he addressed the freckled teen. 

"I'm helping my Mum with something at home, she's coming to pick me up after school." He had a sincere smile, and but Bakugo was curious. 

"With what?"

"We're moving all the boxes out of the cupboard and sorting through them, she's not strong enough - see!" He started to flex his muscles, showing off the bulk he'd grown over the two years prior at UA. Katsuki just smirked, laughing a little. Izuku grinned.

"Yeah yeah." Izuku went to take his seat, Katsuki using the break in conversation to notice the increased heart rate and slight heat to his ears. I hope I'm not coming down with something. Behind him Izuku coughed a little, reaching for his backpack to take out a drink. 

"Are you alright Midoriya?" Todoroki asked, entering the room through the absurdly large doors and making his way towards his desk. Izuku smiled, seemingly touched by the concern.

"Just a little cold, thank you for asking though,"

"Shouldn't you go to recovery girl? Perhaps she could heal it," a thought intruded into Todoroki's mind; one of Midoriya collapsing during training that evening. He didn't like the image one bit. "You should go now, so you get back in time for class."

"No, it's nothing I can't handle!" he waved his hand as if batting the suggestion away. "Plus I don't want to be all tired later, wouldn't want to miss anything important."

"You're like three weeks ahead Deku, it's fine nerd" Katsuki had resurfaced from his thought induced stupor. 

"I can't be bothered, if I'm honest guys," Izuku laughed, and Katsuki smirked at how lazy Deku was being. 

By this point most of the class had arrived, the only exception being Mineta, as his short legs made climbing the stairs to the 3rd year's floor a long strenuous task. He beat the bell by about three seconds, and sighed with relief knowing Aizawa wouldn't make him run more laps. Then the man himself appeared behind him, as if summoned by the thought, sending the purple grape-haired boy running to his seat without a second word. 

"Okay class, you know the drill..."

The day went without a hitch, English breezing by and Maths posing no challenge. Biology was a little difficult but nothing they couldn't handle followed by lunch; an uneventful affair if ever there was. Hero training in the evening resulted in general fitness training, mainly focusing on cardio and endurance, with a little quirk training as a 'reward' for finishing early. 

Katsuki went off to the showers, barely noticing others around him as he washed the sweat and grime off, thinking deeply about a new move he might add to circulation into battles. He was off in his own world until a green mop caught in the corner of his eye, changing rapidly. Not quick enough, as Katsuki took a long hard look at Izuku in only a towel. The heat came back and it felt like his breath caught at the back of his throat. He slid his eyes back to the front, no longer thinking about his move, now fixating on image branded into his skull. Has he always been like... that? I would have noticed by now, right? What is wrong with me today...

Now stuck in his own head he was frozen holding onto his locker, staring into space barely remembering to blink or breath. 


"Huh? WHAT?" That was until Kirishima came to his rescue. 

"You okay dude? You were zoning out for like 5 minutes over here." 

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just thinking." He started to collect his things, noticing that the changing rooms had now emptied and it was just the two of them.  He sighed, annoyed that he let himself get so distracted by Midoriya's-

"DUDE! You're doing it again! What are you thinking about that's got you this wrapped up in your own head?" Kirishima hung an arm around his best friends shoulders, pulling them forward out into the sunlight. An embarrassed pink danced across Katsuki's ears and nose, which just screamed for Kirishima's attention. He raised an eyebrow at the involuntary action. 

"Nothing!" Katuski yelled, pushing Kirishima off his shoulders and away as he tired to hide it. But the damage was done. 

"Oh ho ho, you're not getting away that easy. It obviously wasn't nothing with that huge blush on your face!" Kirishima was not letting this go without a fight, speed-walking to catch up with the escaping Bakugo ahead of him. 

"Let it go, Shitty Hair!" Bakugo warned as the two approached the  dorms, their sign still askew after the incident, not being fixed even after a month of tape holding it up.

"Who's the lucky lad, eh?" Bakugo was mortified, evident as his blush deepened instead of fading. 

"No one! Fucking drop it before I kill you!" 

"Was it Midoriya? It was Midoriya - you're making it so obvious!" he paused. "Oh yeah, I definitely want that shade next time I dye my hair, mind if I take a picture?" Kirishima whipped out his phone and managed to snap a shot. "For colour reference of course," he continued, ducking back as Katsuki lunged for the phone. He ran into the dorms, throwing his bags down on the couch to take cover as an angry blonde yelling obscenities streaked past him. 

It only took 5 minutes of searching to find Kirishima, and only one dumb comment for Katsuki to for-fill his desire previously held for Denki. 

Aizawa was not pleased at the broken window and shattered glass, Katsuki being suspended for 3 days on house arrest. Worth it he thought to ensure silence, although that means I can't go out with Izu-Deku tomorrow. That kind of sucks...

In the end they rescheduled for that Friday, the light laugh Midoriya as the blonde explained why they would have to postpone sent butterflies though his stomach. He then visited Recovery Girl, just to make sure he wasn't sick, to his dismay she came back saying he was as fit as a fiddle. Guess he really did have a crush...

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