1 - The Prologue

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It's back!
I recommend reading Late Night Patrol & The Angel In Their Eyes prior to starting this fic...
But if you're just here for the smut then don't worry too much!

"What was I supposed to do?" Ronnie asked, kneeling beside the animal as he glanced up at you. "Leave him there?"

You stood arms folded and lips set in a hard line. This really wasn't what you were expecting to come home to. "No. I get that," you sighed, sizing up the pair. "But maybe, I don't know. Maybe you should've asked?"

You were right, and Ronnie knew it. He should've asked before bringing the dog home, but he couldn't help himself. The ill-tempered stray caught his attention almost immediately when he was called out to the animal shelter on a disturbance call.

The dog was distressed, isolated, and misunderstood - all of the things Ronnie once was, and he saw it clearly in the darkened eyes of the black pit bull. He knew a loving home and a family were all the stray needed to bounce back.

"So, can we keep him?"

Two sets of puppy dog-like eyes glanced up at you pleadingly. The soulful, innocent expressions that were impossible to say no to. "Fine. Yes, the dog can stay," you relented as you crouched down beside the canine and patted its head. "Does he have a name?"

"I was thinking - Kylo?"

You stifled a laugh. "Really?"

"Well, yeah," Ronnie stated, turning his attention to the dog, his voice turning high-pitched and squeaky. "He's just a big misunderstood softie. Aren't you, boy? Yes, you are. Yes, you are."

You smiled to yourself at the already forming bond between one man and his dog. Still, you couldn't help but wonder if the seemingly random, new addition to your family was, in fact, due to your husband's notably absent best friend.

It had been two months since that night, the night you were fucked into complete submission by your husband and Paul, and at first, everything seemed normal or as normal as it could've been.

But, as the weeks passed by, you noticed that contact with Paul grew inconsistent. He would cancel pre-arranged gatherings at a moment's notice, blaming work commitments. 'National security takes priority over movie nights,' he would cite, which was understandable, but you couldn't stop yourself from doubting his excuses. It seemed much more like avoidance to you, and even if Ronnie accepted Paul's explanations - you could tell his friend's absence was bothering him.

"H-have you heard from Paul recently?" you inquired, causing Ronnie to pause in his movements and swallow the lump in his throat.

Kylo watched him intently, ears up and head slightly cocked. "No. I haven't," he murmured. "He's just... busy with work, I guess."

"Do you really believe that?" you quizzed. "You don't think it's because of y'know... what happened?"

Ronnie rose to his feet, placing his hands on his hips as he let out a despairing sigh. "No. He said he was fine. He's fine." Then, without warning, Kylo barked, almost as if he were protesting Ronnie's absent petting as he observed his new master and his dismayed body language.

You couldn't help but notice how the dog watched with hopeful eyes and a wagging tail as Ronnie returned his attention, and for the first time, it was clear there was another that loved Ronnie just as much as you.

"Looks like I might have some competition for your affection," you giggled.

Ronnie smiled at you, then glanced back down towards Kylo. "Mommy comes first, okay?" he beamed, rubbing Kylo's ears in a gentle circular motion causing the dog to lean into his hand and let out a contented groan. "We love Mommy. We protect Mommy."

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