Chapter 13

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           The next morning your body aches all over. You're laying in bed and feel extra warm for some reason. You open your eyes and find yourself staring into Emily's sleeping face. Glancing around the room you realize it's very early in the morning. The sun is just barely starting to rise. You focus back on her face. You watch her breathe in and out, thankful that she's here with you. You can see her eyes move under her eyelids. You have a feeling she's having a night mare so you pull her closer to you and kiss her forehead. She doesn't wake up, but she physically relaxes at your kiss. You grab her hand, hoping her presence might make it possible for you to fall back asleep.

            Although you don't sleep very deeply for the next couple of hours, you're glad you fall asleep at all. It was all thanks to Emily. And Charlie. Thinking about Charlie makes you sad and a little embarrassed. He really only seemed to see you at your worst. You have to invite him over more, so a breakdown isn't the only way he thinks of you. Suddenly you feel Emily beginning to move next to you. You open your eyes and you see her starting to wake up. Sunlight now floods the room. Emily squeezes your hand causing you to smile.

            "Hello," you say quietly. She opens her sparkling brown eyes and smiles at you. "You can talk, you know."

            "I thought I wasn't allowed to talk," Emily responds with a mischievous smile.

            "If Charlie doesn't hear you, did you actually talk?" you say smiling back. Emily chuckles and brings her hand up to cup your face. Emily wants to say how happy she is that you're doing better and that she's with you, but she doesn't quite know how to word it. Seeing Emily thinking of what to say you grin and lean forward and give her a gentle kiss on the lips. You feel Emily smile again as she kisses you back. Soon you're having a full make-out session including tongues. Before you both get carried away, you pull your head back.

            "I'm sorry, I don't think I want to do that yet," you say embarrassed.

            "Don't be sorry," she says giving you one last peck on the lips. "I understand. And we wouldn't want Charlie overhearing, would we." You both giggle. As you both silently smile at each other, suddenly you get a whiff of how bad you smell since you hadn't showered in days.

            "Oof, I have no idea how you're laying in this bed with me when I smell this bad," you say while Emily laughs.

            "A shower would be nice," she says rolling out of bed. She walks over to your side and puts out her hand. Even though your body still feels sore and lethargic you take her hand and let her help you stand. Even though you just woke up, you already feel tired enough to fall back asleep. You hear Emily enter your bathroom and start the shower. Soon the air feels humid and steam pores over the top of the shower curtain. You both undress and step into the hot shower. You sit on a shower chair only standing on one foot if you have to. Emily will occasionally move your chair so she also has access to the water.

            "So how's work going?" you ask making conversation.

            "Well everyone's worried about you. We haven't had a new case yet in case you're wondering, so the only thing your getting out of is paperwork, lucky," Emily says lightly punching your arm. You grin, but then immediately feel bad about the rest of the team.

            "I should text them or something," you say rinsing out the shampoo in your hair. Emily only nods. "Wait a second. Today's only Friday. Do you have to work today?"

            "Technically, yes, but I have plenty of sick days stacked up. I could stay here with you for today," Emily says washing her body. You're a little distracted watching her do that, but you shake your head.

You and Her (Emily Prentiss x Fem.Reader) [ORIGINAL]Where stories live. Discover now