Author Update 2

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Hey guys, I've been thinking. I've seen your comments encouraging me to continue and I really appreciate the support. That said, I don't think I can continue this story BUT I do feel like I could rewrite this into something I'm much more happy with. I'm not sure how long this would take me, as I've been busy with college and life, but I would like to try. I just have one question: would you rather I publish the rewritten chapters here, either completely replace the old chapters or publish them after this note, or I could publish the new chapters as a different book entirely? Let me know what you would prefer! Also if you have suggestions for the story comment them. I might use them (and give you credit for the idea)! Thank you for sticking around, if you are still here that is. 😅 Have a great night/day.

You and Her (Emily Prentiss x Fem.Reader) [ORIGINAL]Where stories live. Discover now