Chapter 4

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        The smell of bacon slowly wakes you up in the morning. You realize Emily had been keeping you warm as you slept so the cold morning air causes you to shiver. You slowly open your eyes and shakily stretch out your cramped limbs. Sleeping upright on the couch definitely has its downsides. You let out a groan as you finish your stretch. You stand and make your way to the kitchen. Emily doesn't hear you over the sizzling of bacon, so you come up behind her and wrap your arms around her waist.
        She jumps but upon realizing you were the one touching her she quickly relaxed in your arms. You kiss her neck.
        "Good morning," she says.
        "Is it a good morning?" you ask with concern in your voice.
        "Yes," she says. "I feel better."
        "Okay, good," you say nuzzling her neck. You stay like that for a moment before coming up with plans for the day. Luckily it was the weekend, so you didn't have to worry about work.
        "I know what we should do today," you say aloud.
        "Oh yeah? What's that?" she asks glancing at you before flipping the bacon.
        "Hmm, I'm thinking it should be a surprise, but I have to ask a question first," you say enthusiastically. She raises an eyebrow. You realize she had gotten cleaned up from last night and she wasn't wearing any makeup. How could someone be so naturally attractive? You realize your thoughts are going way off track so you shake your head focusing back on the question. "What would you say is your favorite book ever?"
        She thinks for a second before her eyes light up, "Oh! I know. Mother Night."
        "Mother Night? Who's it by?"
        "Kurt Vonnegut. I'm actually a huge fan of all his books," she says almost embarrassed. You smile at her blush and give her a peck on the cheek before backing away.
        "Okay, cool," you say.
        "Why did you want to know?" she asks narrowing her eyes.
        "You'll see," is all you say. She smiles and pokes you in the side. You jump away before she can do it again while you're both giggling.
        "Emily," you say suddenly serious.
        "Yeah?" she says wary of your sudden shift in tone.
        "We're going to have to talk about yesterday and last night. We don't have to do it now, but we have to by the end of today."
        She nods her head. You didn't want to ruin the playful, happy mood of this morning, but you didn't want to spring the conversation out of nowhere. Now she had time to gather her thoughts. By now the bacon was done and Emily pulls some Eggo waffles from the toaster. She puts the food on two plates and hands one to you. You both sit and eat the food. You're trying to think of a way to lighten the mood again when you see some syrup smeared on the corner of her mouth.
        You grab her chin between your index finger and thumb and gently turn her face towards you. You grab a napkin and wipe the corner of her mouth. The tension in the air causes your heart to beat faster as you lean closer and closer. Your lips connect in a sweet kiss. You smile against her mouth. You back away and she seems disappointed that you stopped.
        You stand and throw away your trash before saying, "I have to leave for a little while, but I'll be back soon." She seems confused but she doesn't ask any questions. "Wait for me," you say unable to stop a smile from forming as you said the cheesy line. She gives a small smile and nods. You grab your bag from the living room and head out the front door. First you head home since that's closest. You shower, change into some comfy clothes and don't bother with makeup. Soon you're back out the door heading downtown to the nearest bookstore. One isn't too far downtown, which is a relief.
        You're about to get out of your car when your phone starts ringing. Caller ID tells you that it's Reid.
        "Hey, Spencer, what's up?"
        "JJ, Derek, and I have been trying to text you and call you basically all night."
        "Oh shoot, really? I'm sorry."
        "We figured you'd gone after Emily and we were worried about her. Is she okay?"
        You sigh, "I think she's going to be okay. We're just going to hang out at her apartment today. We're going to have a real talk about it later though."
        "Can I do anything to help?" his voice shakes a tiny bit.
        "I think just giving her space to sort through her emotions is the best you can do, but when she's ready to talk to you let her know you care," you say hoping you were right.
        "I do care. And I will. Thanks Y/N."
        "No problem, Spencer. Have a good day, okay?"
        "Okay, talk to you later Y/N." He hangs up. You sit back in your seat and sigh. This whole relationship thing and caring about other people thing was stressful, but you smile thinking of your cute little plan.
Once inside the bookstore you look for Mother Night by Kurt Vonnegut and one other book. Soon you're on your way back to Emily's apartment.
        You excitedly knock on the door. You probably look like a total nerd with the books in your hand. Emily answers and smiles when she sees your face. You hold up the books.
        "I'll read Kurt Vonnegut, while you read Harry Potter," you say with a huge smile as you hand her the book.
        "Oh my god," she laughs and looks into your eyes. "You know you're pretty cute right?"
        You smirk, embarrassed by her compliment and hide your face by walking to her couch. You pat the seat next to you.
        "Hold on," she walks into another room and you wait patiently on the couch. She comes back out with two glasses and a bottle of wine and she starts playing some background music.
        "Perfect," you say as she pores the wine. You watch her as she does. She seems relaxed, but...she's hiding some emotion. You aren't sure what it is. You decide to ignore it for now and take your wine from her. One sip tells you it's one of your favorites. Emily did know your tastes well. "Now I should clarify before we begin that Harry Potter isn't my favorite book, but you must be educated my lovely muggle."
She laughs at the unfamiliar word and rolls her eyes. She finally sits on the couch next to you. Before she can get too comfortable you grab her legs and spin her around so she has to lay her legs on your lap. She happily stays in that position.
        You both read for hours, occasionally making a remark about something happening in the book. For example at one point she asked, "Is Dumbledore a sociopath? What he put Harry through is practically torture. You think he's a sadist?" You didn't answer just giggle.
        Soon you feel the tension in the room rising. You aren't sure why, so you look at Emily. She's stopped reading the book and she's just staring at the same page.
        "Emily?" you ask aloud. She's broken away from her thoughts at your voice and her eyes come back into focus on you.
        "Yeah?" she asks. You close your book saving your place and set it on the couch next to you. Emily sighs and does the same.
        "Talk," is all you say. She looks confused.
        "About what?" she says trying to avoid the topic.
        "You know what. Just talk about it and I'll listen," you say patiently. She sits and thinks for a second before throwing her hands in the air in exasperation.
        "I don't even know how to start!" You don't say anything and just watch her. She sighs and rubs her eyes. She thinks for a moment. "Yesterday was just rough."
        "Why was it rough?" you ask gently nudging the conversation forward.
        "Well for starters I was treating you terribly for no reason and that made me feel bad and then," she pauses and her eyes tear up. She seems angry with her tears so she looks away and tries desperately not to let them fall. "And then we had that case and...and it just brought up a bunch of bad memories."
        "About what?"
        She rolls her eyes at you. "About Doyle and what he did to me," she says raising her voice and throwing her hands in the air. She thinks for a minute and a tear manages to spill over. "God I'm glad the team isn't seeing me like this... I wish you didn't see me like this."
        "Hey, hey," you grab her hands. "If we're going to be a couple we're going to see each other at our best AND our worst. I'm not gonna run away because of a couple scars. I've got some myself. None as extreme as yours, but they exist. And they still hurt." You lean your forehead against hers. You stay like that for a minute just enjoying each other's touch.
        "I think I might've loved him," she almost whispers. You tense up at what she says. You think back to a quote from Mother Night. "We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be." You weren't sure how to respond, so you change the subject.
        "You know the rest of the team is worried about you."
        "I know. I should call them. Let them know I'm alright since I've got you." You both smile. Emily stands and goes off to call each member of the team. You can hear her faintly talking in the other room. Eventually she comes back out with more tears in her eyes, but she looks like she feels better.
        "Wanna watch a movie?" you ask.
        "Sure, I'll get the popcorn."
        You smile like a little kid and rush to pick a movie. Soon Emily is back with popcorn and you're cuddling on the couch. Eventually the movie ends and you both decide to go to sleep early.

        The next day is another day where you can relax, but you wish you had appreciated these days more when you had the chance. This time Emily wanted to do something with the team. You invited everyone to your house for a drinking game. Once everyone arrives at your house you lead them to the living room where you have a card game set up. It's called "Do or Drink". Derek smiles and rubs his hands together in excitement when he sees the cards. JJ rolls her eyes, but smiles as well. Reid looks nervous and you tell him he doesn't have to play if he doesn't want to. He seems thankful. Everyone settles into either the couch or chairs around the room in a circle.
        "So who wants to go first?" you ask mischievously. Derek leans forward and takes a card.
        "Without looking guess what time it is right now. If you're not within 3 minutes, drink. Hmm. 5:05," he says confidently. You look up at the clock. 5:10 PM.
        "Ooo, starting off strong I see," says Rossi. Derek rolls his eyes smiling and takes a drink. Next Rossi and Garcia have to take a selfie and drink. Then you get a card that just says, "Drink." You scoff at the unfairness of the card causing the group to laugh but you drink anyway. Then the group has to vote on who the best looking person in the group is. You obviously vote Emily and she votes you, but Derek wins with three votes from himself, Garcia, and Hotch. Derek then has to drink. Hotch gets a card saying he has to give someone a foot massage or drink, so he drinks. Next the oldest player in the group has to drink so Rossi takes a swig. JJ has to take a drink for every bone she's broken. She only has to drink once. She explains how she once had a very rough soccer game in high school. Next Penelope makes you drink as long as she does and she doesn't hold back. Luckily for you, you have a higher tolerance than her. Soon you're all laughing at the ridiculous challenges, especially when Derek tries to sing and trips over his own foot falling to the ground.
        You're still laughing when Emily pulls a card that makes her guess someone's underwear color. She turns to you and without hesitation says the correct color. Reid being the only one completely sober covers his mouth trying to hide a knowing smile. You take a drink as Derek says, "Wow you've already been in her pants today?" JJ smacks his arm, but Hotch had already heard. He raises his eyebrows. Rossi smiled like he had already guessed what was going on. You slapped your forehead and leaned back against the couch.
        "We'll talk about this later," is all Hotch says before taking another sip of his drink. Soon everyone feels like they shouldn't drink anymore if they want to be able to drive home. Reid asks anyone if they want him to drive them home and Garcia agrees that that would be a good idea considering she already threw up. Emily lags behind the group. Before Derek walks out the door he kisses the air and says, "Don't stay too long. We have work tomorrow." JJ smacks his forehead and he quickly ducks to avoid another blow.
        "Leave them alone," JJ says to him. She looks back and gives you both a smile and wave. Then the door is closed and the room is eerily quiet.
        "Well looks like I'll be headed out," she turns to you. You throw your arms over her shoulders. She puts her hands on your hips. You smile up at her. She smiles back. You both lean and give a passionate kiss. Soon you need to breathe and that's the perfect place for you two to separate and hug each other goodbye. As soon as she was out the door you couldn't wait to see her at work tomorrow.

A/N: Sorry this one is a bit shorter, but I have some big plans coming up. Stay tuned!

You and Her (Emily Prentiss x Fem.Reader) [ORIGINAL]Where stories live. Discover now