Chapter 5

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        Time for work, you think as your phone alarm wakes you up. It takes you a couple minutes to fully wake up, but soon you sit up and stretch out your arms. Suddenly you feel an intense fear in your gut. You freeze. It feels as though someone is watching you. As quietly as you can you grab the gun you keep in your night stand. Luckily you are already wearing a tank top and shorts, so you didn't have to worry about putting on clothes as you cleared your house. You check room after room, but find nothing. When you finish you let out a breath you hadn't realized you were holding. You lower your gun and set it on the counter. You try to calm the adrenaline running through your veins. Looks like you wouldn't need a cup of coffee till you got to work. Thinking back you wish you had looked more into your feeling.
        You showered, got dressed, ate some breakfast, brushed your teeth, did your hair and makeup, and grabbed your bag. Soon you were out the door on your way to work.
        The drive over was normal and the elevator ride was awkward since a random person rode up with you. Eventually the elevator doors slid open and you happily stepped into your office. Garcia happened to be walking by so she stopped to give you a quick hug before she heads off to her lair.
        JJ and Reid were sitting at a desk chatting. You didn't hear what Reid said, but JJ stood and rolled her eyes as she walked back to her desk. You walk over to Spencer.
        "What was that about?" you ask him.
        "Oh, well apparently a girl I was talking to earlier was clearly flirting with me, but I was oblivious. For as smart as people say I am, they think I'm pretty dumb when it comes to stuff like that," his mouth is a straight line and he seems a little downcast.
        "It's okay Reid. You'll figure it out," you pat him on the shoulder. A faint version of the feeling from this morning makes you quickly look around the room.
        "What are you looking for?" he asks. Your attention snaps back to him.
        "Oh, it's nothing," you say quickly. You give him a smile before walking to your desk. Luckily your desk faces the elevator, so you see Derek and Emily exit the elevator. Apparently Derek had said something funny because Emily was laughing. You make eye contact with her and she seems to smile even bigger. Derek leans over and whispers something in Emily's ear causing her to smack his arm. He laughs and they both go to their desks.
        Time to start this paperwork. You take the first file off of the large stack in front of you when Hotch exits his office.
        "We've got a case," he announces. You glance at Emily before standing and walking to the briefing room. You sit next to Emily and she briefly puts her hand on your thigh. It only stays their for a second before you both focus on the case at hand. Garcia enters the room as fast as she can in her heels. She hands out a file to each of you.
        "So, we are headed to The Big Apple today where we have found the bodies of three victims. First up is John Wood. His body was found in his home by his wife and son two weeks ago. He had been shot in the chest and left on the floor of his living room," Garcia explains while making sure to avoid looking at the crime scene photos. "One week ago, Eli Green was found in their apartment shot in the chest while laying on their couch. They were found by one of their friends who was supposed to be visiting. Last night Jasmine Sharp was found in her front yard, again with a bullet wound to the chest. She was found by a neighbor walking by."
        "How do we know these are all connected?" Derek asks looking up from the file.
        "The same gun was presumably used at each murder because each gunshot wound appears to be exactly the same," Garcia explains.
        "So all of the victims were found in their homes. Could these be a bunch of robberies gone wrong?" JJ asked the group.
        "Nothing was taken from the houses," Garcia points out.
        "Did you know most homicides in America take place in the victims home?" Reid adds.
        "Well the unsub clearly crosses gender and racial lines, so what's drawing him to these specific people? And why exactly one week apart?" Rossi thinks aloud.
        "We need some time to figure this out. Wheels up in thirty," says Hotch closing his file and standing. The rest of the group, including you, stands and gathers their things. Before you're able to walk too far, Emily grabs your arm and asks to talk to you. You both enter an empty office.
        "What's up?" you ask concerned. She closes the door and blinds. "Emily...we're not about to..."
        "Oh no no," Emily says quickly, but she smirks at the idea. "I just wanted to get you alone before we leave because I don't think we'll be getting a lot of alone time in the next few days." You smile as she puts her hands around your waist. You both lean into a sweet kiss. You feel your body heat rise and the kiss becomes deeper. You separate before things get carried away. You're both catching your breath and staring at each other's faces. You memorize the look of her lips and the shape of her nose. Then you look into her eyes. Those beautiful brown eyes. You could get lost in them for days.
        "We should probably go," she says quietly. You nod. She gives another quick kiss before turning and leaving the office. You stare after her slightly opened mouthed. How were you dating someone like her? The things you wanted to do with her flooded your mind, but you quickly remembered you had a case. You sigh and rub the back of your neck hoping to calm yourself down.
        Soon you're on the plane with the rest of the team. JJ gives you a weird look as she sits down. She lightly clears her throat and rubs under her bottom lip with her thumb. Heat rises to your cheeks and you quickly head to the small bathroom. In the mirror you saw your lipstick had smeared and combined a bit with Emily's. You laugh to yourself in embarrassment and clean yourself up. When you sit back down you give JJ a thank you look and she just gives you an okay symbol.
        After 15 more minutes the jet is finally up in the air and it's time to discuss the case more.
        "Let's focus on victimology. What have you got Garcia?" Hotch starts the conversation. We all turn to look at Garcia on the computer screen.
        "Sadly, I've got zip diddly. I can not find a single thing connecting these people. They all had different types of jobs. All different home and family relationships. So far nothing overlaps."
        "The only thing they have in common is they're on their own property when they were killed," adds JJ.
        "Okay, let's look at the way they were murdered," Derek suggests. "A single gunshot wound to the chest. They weren't posed at least not in any obvious way. It doesn't seem like the unsub really cared about the kill at all. Could we be looking at a hitman?"
        "Well we can't rule it out. Have we got anything else?" Hotch asks. The team pauses thinking.
        "Could there be a significance in where exactly each victim was shot. From the crime scene photos it looks like the same exact spot," you point out.
        "But what's the significance?" Rossi asks.
        "We need to figure that out. We'll be landing soon, so everyone rest up and be ready to hit the ground running. It doesn't sound like we have a lot right now and we need to change that. Y/N, you and Emily will go to the latest crime scene. Morgan and Rossi head to the M.E. Reid, JJ, and I will set up at the station," Hotch finishes and you all give him a nod.
        A couple minutes later JJ says to Reid, "I have a weird feeling about this case."
        "I know what you mean. With every case we get each unsub has their own personality or signature, but this case feels... I don't know... bland maybe?" you say trying to express your thoughts. Emily and Reid nod at your words agreeing with your statement.
        "Maybe that's a good thing. Maybe it will be an easy case," Derek says hopefully.
        "I don't know, it's hard to profile someone if they don't have a personality," Emily says tilting her head to the side. This whole case just felt weird for some reason. Again, another feeling you wish you had payed more attention to, but instead you pushed it aside.
        Soon you arrive in New York City and make your way to the crime scene. You and Emily don't find anything of interest, so you head back to the police station. JJ is about to interview to family of the latest victim. You volunteer to question the second victim's friend and Hotch talks to the first victims wife and son.

You and Her (Emily Prentiss x Fem.Reader) [ORIGINAL]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora