Oh my goddess Part 1

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[Scene: P4. Night. Phoebe is sitting at a table with a guy.]

Phoebe: I am really glad Elise made me call you. You're exactly the kind of guy I've been looking for.

Guy: Is that so?

Phoebe: Oh, it is so so. You're cute, you're sweet, you're smart. And from what I hear, you're raking in the dough.

Guy: Well, you have quite the way with words, don't you?

Phoebe: Yeah, well, when it comes to helping needy children, I'm shameless. Come on, Evan, please do the charity auction. It'll be fun.

Evan: It'll be fun to be auctioned off like a side of beef?

(They laugh.)

Phoebe: Yeah, well, it's not like we're asking you to marry the highest bidder, it's just, you know, one little date. And one little tax deductible donation, you know, to match your lady's bid.

Evan: Is there any chance Ask Phoebe will be doing some bidding?

Phoebe: Well, you will just have to sign up to find out, hm.

(She shows him a clipboard and he writes his name down.)

[Cut to Paige and a guy sitting at the bar.]

Guy #2: Then I graduated from Stanford law in '98.

Paige: Harvard law. Hm, that's impressive. So do you want to give to a charity, or what?

Guy: I said Stanford, not Harvard.

Paige: Let me ask you something. Have you been having any kind of end of the world, fire and brimstone, doomsday kind of dreams lately?

Guy: Wait a minute, is this some sort of religious charity?

Paige: Huh?

(Phoebe walks up to them.)

Phoebe: No, it's not. It's for children.

Guy: Right. Yeah. Hey, to each his own, but I'm not into the whole fire and brimstone thing.

(The guy walks away.)

Phoebe: Paige, you're supposed to be flirting with the bachelors, not frightening them.

Paige: I'm sorry, I guess I'm just a little off.

Phoebe: Well, my boyfriend moved to Hong Kong, I'm thoroughly depressed. But I still managed to sign up six people and you have...

Paige: I have none people.

Phoebe: None people. Paige, I know you've been in a bad mood but this is getting a little crazy.

Paige: What? I've barely slept all week. I keep having these strange dreams about ancient wars and weird magic. All very disturbing.

Phoebe: Do you think they mean something?

Paige: I don't know. It could be hormones. More likely, it could be my subconscious trying to tell me something.

[Scene: Snow-Covered Mountains. A cave. A demon kneels before two huge frozen people. The demon reads from a scroll.]

Demon: Emergo dormio lebertus chilus dechio. Emergo dormio lebertus chilus dechio. (The ice surrounding the people starts to crackle. Suddenly, the ice explodes, knocking the demon backwards. The people are free - Titans from Ancient Greece.) It worked. You're alive.

(The demon stands up.)

Male Titan: How long?

Demon: How long? Three thousand years, give or take a century.

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