The eyes have it

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[Scene: A fortune telling shop. Madame Teresa is there. Phoebe walks in.]

Phoebe: Are you closing?

Madame Tereza: Not anymore. Please, come in. I am Madame Tereza.

Phoebe: I'm Phoebe.

Madame Tereza: Yes, I know.

Phoebe: Really? Did you read my mind?

Madame Tereza: No, I read your column.

Phoebe: Oh.

(She laughs.)

Madame Tereza: You are not sure if you are a believer, are you?

Phoebe: Oh, no, I'm a believer. Believe me. That's why I'm here. I didn't know where else to turn.

Madame Tereza: Sit. Let's see what your hands tell us.

(They sit at a small round table.)

Phoebe: Oh, they're probably gonna tell you that I need a manicure.

(Phoebe holds out her hand and Madame Tereza looks at her palm. Madame Teresa's eyes widen.)

Madame Tereza: You have the gift of foresight.

Phoebe: What?

Madame Tereza: But don't worry. Your secrets are safe here. (She gets a pen and starts drawing on Phoebe's palm.) You are creative, sensitive, straight smart, you have a strong family, close ties. I am wondering why you do not turn to them now.

Phoebe: I don't want to worry them. You see I'm having trouble with my gift and that's why I'm here, I want to try figure out what's wrong.

Madame Tereza: These lines on your index finger they are saying that you're over worked.

Phoebe: Yeah, well, besides my column and my personal appearances, my boss has me giving advice on a radio show. And I-I love it, I do, it's just...

Madame Tereza: Keeping that pace has blocked out other parts of yourself. Including your gift. Your gift must be honored. But so must your work.

Phoebe: So how do I find the balance?

Madame Tereza: Let's start by unblocking that energy. Breathe with me.

(They join hands and close their eyes. Madame Tereza starts shaking. The shaking stops and she opens her eyes. Phoebe lets go of her hands.)

Phoebe: I know that reaction. You just had a premonition didn't you?

Madame Tereza: But I don't have premonitions.

Phoebe: Yeah, uh, but I do. Maybe you intercepted it for me?

(Madame Tereza stands up.)

Madame Tereza: The reading is over. You must go.

Phoebe: No, but, uh...

(Phoebe stands up.)

Madame Tereza: I'm sorry.

(She hurries Phoebe outside and shuts the door in her face. She closes the blind.)

[Time lapse. Madame Tereza is packing her clothes in a suitcase. She's on the phone at the same time.]

Woman: (on phone) Tereza, Tereza, wait, I'm losing you, say that again?

Madame Tereza: Orin, the gypsy hunter, he's coming for me.

Woman: (on phone) Tereza, that's impossible, we blinded him decades ago. Only gypsy magic can lift his curse.

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