Happily ever after

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[Scene: Manor. Attic. Pandora is there reading a story from a fairy tales book out loud.]

Pandora: "A year after the death of Snow White's mother, the king remarried, but his new bride was in fact a wicked witch. (Paige walks in.) One consumed by..."

Paige: What are you still doing up?

Pandora: Not sleeping as usual. First trimester nonsense, I guess.

Paige: You want me to mix you up a potion?

Pandora: Oh, no thanks. I don't wanna turn my baby into a guinea pig. I've got enough to worry about.

Paige: Like I'd ever risk turning my future niece into a rodent, please.

Pandora: No, I was speaking figuratively. And it's not a knock at your super witch kick, it's just I don't want to subject her to anything that could be remotely bad for her, that's all.

Paige: Well, then maybe you should put away those silly fairy tales.

Pandora: Silly? You think fairy tales are silly?

Paige: Yeah, they're all about helpless women needing big, strong men to come and rescue them. Plus, they're filled with evil witches. Do you really wanna teach your kid that?

Pandorar: No, I want to teach her values and that's what fairy tales are best at, you know, good overcomes evil. It's how Grams taught us.

Paige: Well, my grandmother taught me values just fine without big wolves devouring little girls. You want my advice?

Pandora: Not really.

(Paige walks over to the Book Of Shadows.)

Paige: You should ditch the fiction and do what all other mums-to-be do and that is to rely on your natural instincts.

(Paige picks up the Book Of Shadows and takes it to Pandora.)

Pandora: Well, my natural instincts are to panic and besides, every other mother-to-be doesn't have to worry about her child orbing out to Tahiti when they are sent to their room. I don't have a clue.

Paige: Luckily you have three magical sisters who are gonna help you any way they can. So don't worry, honey, you're gonna be just fine.

(Paige leaves the attic.)

Pandora: I hope so. Where were we? "A year after the death of Snow White's mother, the king remarried. But his new bride was in fact a wicked witch, one consumed by jealousy. Every day she asked the magic mirror the same question."

[Cut to a castle. An old man is cleaning a magic mirror. A lady's face (the wicked witch) appears in the mirror.]

Wicked Witch: Aren't you dead yet?

Old Man: Ha, still so bitter after all these centuries. Some things never change. (He turns to an apprentice, cleaning glass slippers.) Careful, my boy, those are not just symbols, they're pieces of history.

Apprentice: I understand.

(He puts the slipper on a stand. There is a sign saying "Cinderella" under them.)

Old Man: Never forget the power of every fairy tale emanates from each of these. (The nail holding up the magic mirror starts to come loose.) Their magic continues to shape every child born, even to this day. Which makes the task of preserving and protecting them much greater. (The magic mirror falls from the wall.) No, the mirror! Don't let it fall!

(The mirror smashes and a white mist floats out of it. The mist forms into the wicked witch.)

Wicked Witch: Thanks so much. I thought I'd never get out of there. (She grabs the old man by the neck.) This is the way to begin a story.

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