Sympathy for the demon

Start from the beginning

Barbas's Voice: Oh, you know what's happening to you. You are evil, Cole. (Barbas's spirit appears.) You're evil, Cole. It's your worst fear. (Barbas disappears.) And it's true.

[Scene: Manor. Conservatory. Paige is there standing beside a table. The Book Of Shadows, candles, a pot and other things are on the table.]

Paige: Okay, sixteenth time is the charm. (She picks something up and throws it in the pot. It explodes and feathers fly out of it.) Damn it!

(Leo walks in.)

Leo: What's going on, Paige?

Paige: Just trying to conjure up some doves.

Leo: Oh. Out here in front of all the windows, huh?

Paige: Well, the attic was feeling a little cramped, you know, I thought a change of scenery might help.

Leo: Hmm. (He walks over to the table.) Prue's animal conjuring spell, huh? That's a tough one.

Paige: Yeah, tell me about it. How long did it take her to get it down.

Leo: A couple of days at least.

Paige: Oh, good, then I don't feel so bad.

Leo: What's going on, Paige?

Paige: Nothing.

Leo: Paige...

Paige: You promise you won't tell Pandora, Piper and Phoebe?

Leo: Yep.

Paige: Okay, Prue was this awesome witch with a full-time job and I quit my job to be a full-time witch and I still haven't reached her level yet which makes me feel incredibly frustrated and lame.

Leo: Well, I thought you were done comparing yourself to Prue.

Paige: Yeah, so did I. It's just these last couple of days for some reason I've been feeling a little insecure. And this stupid spell isn't helping any. Come on, now, give me a dove, any dove. (She throws something in the pot and nothing happens.) Nothing.

(Pandora walks in holding a cup.)

Pandora: Hi. I am off to yoga and then to the salon for a manicure and pedicure, there's a cherry pie cooling on the counter and I will be on my cell.

Paige: Uh-uh. Pre-natal police, lady, put the mug down, step away from the coffee.

Pandora: It's herbal tea. I am on a natural high. This is the first morning in months where I actually kept my breakfast down.

Leo: Hey, congratulations.

(He goes over to her.)

Pandora: Mm-hm. Goodbye morning sickness, hello second trimester. I feel wonderful. And so I was thinking, you know, when I get back maybe we can start practising for the new kid.

Leo: Ooh.

(Leo and Pandora kiss.)

Paige: Eww, I'm still here, thanks.

(Pandora opens her eyes mid-kiss and sees a spider slide down from its web behind Leo. She stops the kiss and screams, pointing at the spider.)

Pandora: Spider, get it, get it, get it.

(The spider runs along the floor and Leo grabs it.)

Paige: Okay, you can handle demons and warlocks but not spiders?

Pandora: Ugh, jinxed. I should have known this was gonna happen.

Leo: What are you talking about?

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