Opal: I'm outside and holy fuck your place is huge!!!!

Asami: lol I'm on my way out

"Where are you going?" Hiroshi stopped his daughter who was about to leave through the front door "the gym" Asami simply answered

"Good, are you going to start that diet I was talking to you about yesterday?" he asked his daughter as he took a sip of his coffee "um... I-I'm not sure" she tried to smile it off. "I think you should, say the word and I'll send George to get the stuff" he said then left her alone "don't be late to work"

"Right" she quickly got out the house to escape her father, she smiled when she saw Opal singing and dancing outside her pick up truck "what are you doing?" Asami asked laughing as she walked towards her. "Pretending I'm in a music video with your mansion! What about you?" Opal said as she did her final number on the trunk of her truck

Asami and Opal made it to the gym and started working on their legs first and talked as they did so. After they finished doing their leg workout they were going to do arms but decided to take a quick break on the benches and talk for a bit.

They were talking about school, work and even about the trip Tenzin mentioned then Korra was brought up "i can't wait for the trip! I have an idea of who might not go *cough* Korra *cough*" Opal said making Asami's eyes roll "I don't know how you manage to make Korra your friend" Opal mentioned

Opal couldn't help but think about the past couple of days, Asami was the only person that Korra didn't mind being around and lately, it wasn't just Asami looking for her anymore, Korra also looked for Asami. Asami's friends started to notice even notice the difference in Korra. What did Opal do wrong to lose Korra's interest in becoming friends. Opal considered Asami and Korra best friends since Korra wouldn't try talking to anyone else.

"Now that I think about it....I have no idea either" Asami chuckled out. "What is she like?" Opal asked since her experience with Korra was different

"She's funny and sweet, she's actually pretty smart and a great listener. She's very wise in her own way and gives good advice." Asami didn't even list half the things Korra is "over all she has a great personality when you get to know her" Asami smiled

Opal couldn't imagine Korra being anything like that, she'd had to admit she had Korra pegged wrong. "That's new, when I was somewhat close with her, we rarely talked, it was more like being her acquaintance but there if I needed to vent, she would never vent to me though, even if I told her I didn't mind she wasn't the type to talk about her feelings" Opal mentioned "anyways a week or two later she started coming late to every class and always had lunch in the library or ditched to go spirits knows where and came back to the school after lunch and then we just faded but I think it was my fault we did"

"Why you say that?" Asami asked as she took a sip of her water. Opal let out a sigh "when she started ditching and being late I didn't want to hang around people like that so I stopped talking to her but i thought maybe she'll look for me and we can have a actual friendship but she didn't. It didn't even bother her that I stopped talking to her, she didn't even care, that's why part of me doesn't really like her, she made me feel unworthy in a way, she doesn't care about other's feelings"

Opal saying something like that surprised Asami, the Korra she knew did care about others, like Gommu, Justin and all the people who had nothing, she cared about Asami too right?

"Anyways, we should get going, I don't want sticks for arms" Opal said making them both laugh and made their way to the weight room. "Oh look, speaking of the devil" Opal said pointing to the boxing ring

Asami looked over to the ring finding Korra in the ring wearing black basketball shorts, a blue muscle shirt exposing her arms and a pear of boxing gloves. She looked at her opponent it was her uncle who had a man bun, a dark green muscle shirt with grey shorts, mid high socks covering his ankles and boxing gloves. "That's her Uncle" Asami pointed out

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