You want me to run through a wall? Are you crazy? No? I guess not.

Start from the beginning

Will and Nico stopped staring in obvious confusion.

Harry, Ron, and Hermione noticed and stopped as well.

"You just need to walk in, it doesn't hurt." Hermione reassured them.

"You want us," Nico said, pointing toward him and Will, "to walk into a wall, on purpose?"

The three wizards smiled knowingly at each other.

"If your scared you can run through," Harry offered, causing Nico to scoff.

"Why should I be scared?" Indeed he had basically taught himself to shadow travel by running into walls.

A brick column was not as scary as Tartarus.

It would have to try a lot harder to scare him.

Harry looked like he was going to say something to reassure Nico, probably something about it was okay to be scared.

Nico snorted at the thought.

Like this Percy Jackson knock-off had any idea what real fear was.

He watched as the twins dissaperead into the wall.

Mrs. Weasley waiting for everyone else, gesturing for them to hurry as Ginny followed the twins.

Rolling his eyes at the estranged look of the wizards Nico walked casually up to the wall, and, as if he had done it hundreds of times, slipped right in.


With Ron and Hermione off to go do prefect duties  Nico, Will, Ginny and Harry set off to find a compartment.

In the very last carriage they ran across a  round, blonde haired boy who seemed to recognize Ginny and Harry.

"Hi, Harry," he painted, "Hi, Ginny. . . everywhere's full. . . I can't find a seat. . . "

He hadn't seemed to have noticed Nico and Will yet, which, in all honesty, was fine by Nico.

"Hello," Will said, extending his hand, "I'm Will Solace." The blonde boy looked disconcerted for minute before shaking Will's hand and smiling.

"Neville Longbottom."

"What are you talking about?" Ginny said, having squeezed past Neville to look into the compartment behind him. "There's room in this one, there's only Loony Lovegood in here-"

Neville mumbled some nonesense about not wanting to disturb anyone and after reassuring Neville that this Loony girl was indeed all right Ginny opened the compartment and pulled her trunk inside.

"Hi, Luna, is it OK if we take these seats?" Nico startled, then felt his face heat with embarrassment.

He had thought her name was Loony, but now, realized it was a mean nickname.

He felt ashamed of himself for even thinking . . . 

"Nico? Nico, it's okay," Will said, basically reading his mind, "it's fine, everything's okay."

Nico nodded mutely and followed the others into the compartment just in time to hear Ginny say, "Luna's in my year, but in Ravenclaw."

"Wit beyond measure is man's greatest treasure," said the girl, Luna.

"That reminds me," Will spoke up, " What are the school houses, I mean, I know their names, but what do you have to do to be in each one?"

"Oh!" Hermione piped up, poking her head in, Ron right behind her, "I forgot you two don't know that yet. So Gryffindors have the common traits of courage, nerve, and bravery. Ravenclaw is intelligence, learning, and wit. Hufflepuff is loyalty, hard work, and patience. And Slytherin is cunning, resourcefulness, and leadership."

"You don't want to be in Slytherin, mate," added Ron.

"You already told them that, idiot." Said Hermione smacking him on the arm.

As Hermione and Ron continued to bicker, the conversation drifted away from Nico and Will.

"I don't think I caught your name." Said Neville politely to Nico eventually, leaning over toward the demigods.

"That's because I didn't give it." Nico said back, just as politely.

"This is Nico." Will said with a long suffering sigh, "And he's not always like this, he's just anxious."

"No I'm not!" Nico protested loudly, "And I am always like this."

But he was anxious, just a little bit.

"So how do you get sorted?" He asked the question that had been floating around in his mind since Hermione had listed the attributes of each house.

How did they decide if someone was brave or cunning?

"You put on the sorting hat," Neville started to explain, "Then it looks into your memories, so you see them too, to see which house you fit best."

(I don't actually know if this is how the sorting hat works, but I'm doing it this way for the plot of the story.)

Nico almost wished he hadn't asked.

He started tapping his foot, and felt his pupils dilate as he started to panic. 

He couldn't look back into his memories, he would lose it.

Nico could feel himself starting to lose it now.

This was not going to go well.

Hi, I know I said every other day but I think I messed up somewhere, and published a chapter when I wasn't supposed to.

To keep the schedule going I'm publishing one right now. So, vote, and comment, I guess.

Word count: 1280

Hope you enjoy 😁

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