"Openly eyeing a mated male. What a whore." She whispers to me. Grace holds her arms out for me and I take her, nuzzling her cheek and tucking her into my side. I take in her scent of baby and shampoo before answering her mom.

"So what kind of whore is she? The regular kind or the power hungry kind?"

"Oh, definitely the power hungry kind. Her name's Shaylene. Her dad was an alpha at another pack. When he was killed Shaylene tried to take over and run the pack. They all revolted against her because she's spoiled and rotten. They kicked her out and Liam let her live here. Only because his dad and her dad were allies and friends. He knew she'd be killed quickly if she were to live as a rogue."

I nod my head and turn my attention back to Liam. He's eyeing Grace and I with warm awe in his eyes. I smile at him and look back at Shaylene who scoffs, rolls her eyes and stomps away.


By the time the party is over, I'm exhausted and my feet are killing me. Sam offers to carry me home, but Liam growls at him and lifts me bridal style.

"Can I stay at your guys' house tonight since I was coming over in the morning anyway?"

"No." Liam responds curtly.

"I just don't want to wake up alone on Christmas." Sam answers sadly and my heart breaks. I send a pleading look to Liam and he sighs.

"Fine. But you sleep fully clothed and no snoring."

"Why? You worried this sexiness will be too much for Luna to handle?" He asks with a wide grin. Liam growls again and I giggle as I tighten my hold around his neck. I nuzzle my face into his chest.

"I'm tired. Can we go home?" This brings Liam out of his angry state and he carries me all the way home and up to my bedroom depositing me gently on the floor. I move into my closet to change into my pajamas and when I come back out, Liam is laying in my bed in nothing but his boxers.

"Um... what are you doing?" I ask.

"Sweetheart, I think we've established that I can't sleep without you anymore. No funny business I promise just... please don't kick me out."

That 'sweetheart' along with his puppy dog eyes makes me melt and I nod before climbing into bed and face away from him. He moves closer to me, wrapping a thick arm around my waist and nuzzling his head in my neck, taking in deep breaths of my scent.

"The only reason I'm allowing this is because I'm cold." I say. He chuckles and scooches even closer to me.

"Sure, sweetheart. Sure."

The next thing I know I'm being woken up by Sam jumping up and down on my bed screaming "It's Christmas morning!" Over and over again. He accidentally steps on Liam who growls at him and pushes him off the bed so hard he nearly dents the wall. This doesn't faze Sam in the slightest as he's up and at my side of the bed before I can blink.

"Can we open presents Luna?" He looks so excited and hopeful that I don't have the heart to say no.

"OK. Go make some hot chocolate while Liam and I get dressed. We'll be down in a minute." He nods and rushes out the door while Liam tightens his grasp on me.

"Back, sleep." He murmurs into my back.

"Come on Alpha. Time to wake up." His head pops up when I call him alpha and his eyes instantly darken.

"Oh no. Don't start that shit. Go get dressed." I point out the open door towards his room and he groans before rolling out of bed. I see him adjusting his morning wood and can't stifle my giggle.

"I'll get you back for that!" He calls over his shoulder. I hurry to dress and head downstairs where Sam is sitting by the tree with three steaming mugs of hot chocolate and the presents already passed out in three piles. He has a present on his lap with his hand poised in a corner of the wrapping paper to open it.

"Wait for Liam." I say as I point at him knowingly. His shoulders dropped until he hears Liam's footsteps on the stairs. As soon as he enters the room, Sam rips into his gift.

He ends up with a new game console he's been talking about for months with a few games to go with it, some new clothes because he always forgets to strip before shifting and rips into them all and a membership for the next year at the only all you can eat buffet at the nearest town along with a new ornament for the tree, candy and a tin full of his favorite brownies with peanut butter frosting.

Liam got new clothes as well, wireless ear buds since he is always eyeing mine and a new watch.

"I had it made with a special clasp so that if you have to shift while wearing it, it'll snap off rather than break." He looks at me with amazement before sliding it on.

"I love watches but never wear them for that exact reason."

"I know." I say cheekily.

"Thank you Lily." I feel the warmth in his eyes travel my whole body, lighting me up almost like the tree we're sitting around.

"Your turn, Luna." Sam says as he hands me a gift from him.

It's a fancy new stand mixer I've been drooling over for months as well as some new recipe books. Besides the necklace, Liam got me new cozy patio furniture, since I always complained about not being able to sit outside. He picks up one last gift and looks at me nervously before handing it to me.

"What?" I ask.

"Just hoping I got the right one." He says as I rip open the paper and open the box.

Inside is a new hard cover copy of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire.

"Open it." Liam says gently. I flip open the cover and gasp when I see a handwritten personalized message as well as the author's signature.

"Oh Liam!" I exclaim. "How did you know this is my favorite book?" Tears begin to fill my eyes and Liam pulls me into his lap.

"Out of all of your books, this one was the most worn and your scent was the strongest. I figured you read it the most. Do you like it?" He wraps his arms around me and I do the same to him, resting my cheek on his shoulder as my tears soak his shirt

"Like it? Liam, I love it."

His bright smile in return is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen.

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