37. It's Been a Long, Long Time

Start from the beginning

On the outside of the chest piece read 'Proof Tony Stark Has a Heart'. I had chuckled many times over this and now that it sat here in my hands as what we'd send off in his memory I didn't want to let go. I looked back to see the crowds of people standing and waiting. I bent down and sat on my knees and flattened my dress. I leant forward and placed it on the water and it floated on the top.

Morgan knelt down at my side and my hand went to the back of her head. I brushed my fingers through her hair and she rested her head on my shoulder. She didn't looked upset or sad just rather blank as she watched it float away. It went out and on for quite a while and Peter knelt down beside us and I gave him a small, but intentional smile.

It felt like I had sat there for an hour, but I'm sure it was a matter of minutes. It had floated out quite some distance before I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up to see Steve. I rose up to my feet and looked at him. He gave me a small face and I knew he was hurt too. He gave me a big hug and I relaxed a little as I stood there with him.

When I first came here my missions were always Steve, Tony, Natasha, and myself. Clint would sometimes join us, but more often than not it was us four. Standing here over 10 years later it was just Steve and I. It felt like ages ago and now that they were gone it only became a more distant memory. I stepped back and he squeezed my shoulder tightly.

I smiled weakly and he gave me a firm nod. Peter hugged me and as he did I could see Sam and Bucky talking a little further up the dock. I could see Peter's aunt standing by quietly and she gave me a small smile. Morgan was wrapped around my leg and I tried to keep her close. I knew she needed comfort, but part of me felt torn apart because she was probably holding on be she was scared to let go of us. I think we all were holding onto each other a little tighter than we normally did.

"You going to be alright?" He asked me.

"Yeah, I'll be fine. You?" I asked.

"I'll be alright." He said with a soft smile. "It's beautiful out here, I see why he chose this place."

"He wanted to get away from everything and this is definitely it." I said crossing my arms as I looked around the very place I've lived for so long now.

"Are you staying here? Like after everything calms down." He asked me.

"I don't know, I've had so much going on I haven't even spoken to Bucky about it. This is all we've known for the last 5 years, but I don't know if this is where we'll stay." I said shrugging.

"I understand, well I'm sure you guys will figure it all out, you always do." He said smiling before walking over to his aunt.

I looked down at Morgan and she was looking at me already.

"My daddy had a lot of friends." She said and I chuckled softly.

"Your dad has more friends then anyone else I know." I said picking her up and putting in on my hip.

"Did my daddy save them?" She asked.

"Most of them yeah, but he save a lot more than just these guys. In a way your daddy saved the whole universe." I said and I saw her eyebrows raise.

"That's a lot." She said and I just nodded. "I miss my daddy."

"I miss him too Morgan. We all do." I said and she laid her head on my shoulder. "We all do."

Morgan had convinced Bucky and I to let her stay the night with Peter. I guessed he had promised her cheeseburgers and I think his aunt was excited to meet her as well. We let her go and it sort of worked out in a way. Steve needed to return the stones back in time where they belonged and we wanted to make sure he made it.

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