15: Retaliation

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He glanced at Emma, "You should stay here and watch Hope."

"Henry can do that," Emma protested. 

Hook shook his head, "It's too dangerous."

"I'm coming too," Henry entered the room.

"Henry," Emma scolded, "You're supposed to be watching Hope."

"So it's true," Hope's voice said quietly, "Ellie was taken by a bad guy."

The adults in the room froze and looked down at Hope. While the small blonde haired girl was cheery, her blue eyes filled with emotion. She wanted her older sister back with her. She clenched her fists at her side and said, "We will save her, right Peter?"

Peter nodded his head and patted the girl's head, "Of course we will."

He hugged the girl tightly who was ecstatic to him back in Storybrooke. He pulled away and addressed the group, "We'll go to Gold and go to the Underworld to stop Pan."

He unsheathed his sword, "I swear it."

"There's one problem," Arthur said wary, "Any connection to the underworld has been severed with Storybrooke."

"Severed?" Hook asked the Underworld King. 

"Yes," Felix confirmed, "Not even Charon on his boat can come. The only way is by dying with regret which I do not believe you are prepared to do. Perhaps the Dark One may know of a way."

Henry's face lit up, "Actually, I might have a way."

Everyone looked at the Henry waiting for an explanation. Henry took out his Storybrooke and flipped through the pages and coming upon a schematic of the Hades' lair. Surrounding it were five different coloured rivers.  

"In the book, the five rivers of the Underworld each possessed a key. When they were put together, they created a portal to the Underworld. This might be our chance in gaining passage to the Underworld."

"Where can we find these keys?" Hook asked Henry. 

"That's the thing, the book doesn't say," Henry frowned, "I've read it front and back and there is nothing."

"Could the pages be missing?" Regina suggested.

Henry shook his head, "The page is fully in tact. There is no tampering to be found."

"Well, there is one person that may have the answers we seek," Peter says ominously, "The Dark One."

"It's late though," David said, "After everything that has happened tonight, we should all get some rest for a clearer head."

As the heroes went home, Peter entered his home with Elle. He picked up shards of glass from the broken frame. His mouth was curled into a frown. Was this how Elle felt in his absence? The dark house felt more like a barren prison than a home. 

He changed into clothes and showered. When he finished he exited to see Hermes in his bed. 

"What are you doing here?" Peter demanded. 

Hermes grinned, "I see you made it back in one piece from the little errand. Though I must say you failed to kill Pan. How disappointing."

"I don't have time for your games," Peter said to him.

"It would appear that way," Hermes rested a hand to his chin, "But must I say cutting off the route to the Underworld. Hades must be enraged."

Peter lifted an eyebrow, "Wasn't he obliterated by the Olympian Crystal?"

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