Into the "Theo"verse Filler Part 4

Start from the beginning

Ted speeds at Cole, knocking him away and then going over his maximum by almost overloading his legs with Inergy.

What Cole saw was a slightly skinnier version of himself with bulging legs and glowing grey eyes and one hell of an angry expression, appearing in front of him and then waking up in his original world.

AU Aunt Rose: Oh hey, you're awake. You got a black eye training with Sebastian.

Cole: Yeah, let's go with that.

Back in the OU.

Sam: Holy shit Ted, where did that come from?

Ted: I saw something similar in an anime that should get caught up on, the new season is still airing I think.

Sam: My Hero?

Ted: Yep.

Sam: How you doing on Inergy?

Ted: Used up most of it to knock him out, I don't think I could activate my Tick for more than a few seconds.

Sam: Dang, I'm feeling the same not gonna lie.

Ted: How'd you even know I was in trouble anyways?

Sam: Oh you know that I track all my friends through mysterious and unknown ways?

Ted: Yeah?

Sam: That.

Ted: Ohhh, that makes sen- wait a fucking minute, why didn't you help me any of the other three times I got attacked? Or any of the times I got attacked before that?

Sam: Wasn't in the area.

Ted recalls Season One, Sam was literally right outside of the alleyway when Emily was attacked by the copycat Ben, that's the only example but you get my point.

Ted: You know, it's been a while since we fought together. I think the most notable fight was against Ben the Executioner and that copycat a few minutes before then, a few days before the U.T.F. incident.

Sam: And the last time we fought was at the Tournament.

Theo: No. You two are not fighting after what just happened. Go get ice cream or something else friends do.

Ted: Ah, good to see you're alright, most of the smaller wounds seem to have healed.

Theo: Oi! Don't divert the conversation, you two aren't fighting, especially in your conditions.

Sam: Welp... wanna go to like karaoke or sometin?

Ted: Sure.

Theo: The hell you are!? Go to a fucking hospital or something before, pretty sure both of you have cracked ribs.

Sam: Jay's place isn't too far from here. Wanna see if he'll help us out?

Ted: That sounds like a good idea.

Theo limps over to the two, putting his arm around Ted's shoulder and forming a clone that he does the same to.

Ted: Lazy freeloader.

Theo: heh, maybe, but at least I care for you sometimes.

Ted: Yeah, yeah, whatever you say.

Those are the last words Theo hears before he succumbs to his wounds. He's not dead, he just lost a lot of blood.

Sam: You've changed y'know?

Ted: How so? In a good way, I'd hope.

Sam: You could say that, but the last time I saw you, you were this... non-caring person who really only looked out for himself and his so-called "investments," now, now I feel you'd be the first person to help someone if they needed it.

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