Love Is In The Air

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Nico di Angelo is not normally late.

Especially not to Potions when the Slytherin dorm is so close to the classroom.

Yet, somehow, Nico's found himself scrambling to get on his robes before rushing out the common room. It's not until he stumbles into the corridor that he realizes he's come out of the wrong common room. He looks around the corridor before letting out a huge sigh of relief. He must've fallen asleep beside Will Solace, his secret Hufflepuff boyfriend, last night and that's why his alarm didn't go off (well, it still would've but it does him no good when it's in the Slytherin dorms and he's sleeping in the Hufflepuff dorms). Will naturally gets up as the sun rises and is so sweet he probably let Nico sleep in, assuming he'd be able to wake up on his own. If he wasn't so in love with Will, he'd probably kill him for not waking him up on time.

Nico glances behind him at the portrait to get back inside the Hufflepuff common room before running his teeth over his bottom lip. He doesn't remember passing anyone and at this point mostly everyone should be in their classes by now so hopefully he got off scot-free. He lets another sigh escape his lips before he's darting across the corridor and down to Potions.

He manages to slip into the classroom undetected and slinks over to his desk, glaring at his lab partner the entire time. Will smiles softly as he watches Nico make his way over every few seconds. He makes sure to look away occasionally so no one else starts staring. With a grunt, Nico slouches down in his seat, dropping his bag by his feet. His glare on Will intensifies. Will's smile grows slightly, the tops of his ears turning a bright red.

"Good morning, Ghost King," he greets, adding on another layer of his sweet and loving charm Nico can never get enough of. It's almost enough to break Nico entirely. Almost.

"Yeah. For one of us," Nico retorts. "For the other, they just risked getting detention with Professor Dionysus because their boyfriend didn't wake them up in time," he seethes. Will ducks his head down.

"Well how was I supposed to know that you can't naturally wake yourself up on time?"

"Most people don't naturally wake up on time, Will!"

Will's about to argue when Professor Dionysus snaps his textbook shut and glares at them. They both immediately shut up and look away from each other. "Mister Shoelace. Mister DiCaprio." He raises an eyebrow at the two of them. "Are you done?" Will nods. Nico doesn't react. "Then get to work! The quicker you finish, the less time I have to deal with you. That goes for all of you twerps!" Professor Dionysus opens his textbook again and continues "reading" it, occasionally stopping to drink out of the goblet on his desk that everyone knows is filled with wine (or some other alcoholic beverage).

They watch him for a moment longer before turning to each other and shaking their heads. Will bites back a laugh as Nico smiles faintly. They stand from their seats before Will writes out the ingredients list for Nico to take. Ever since they were first paired together in fifth year (Nico's partner had previously been Annabeth but she later switched it to Percy when they started dating), Nico and Will have developed a system where Will keeps the open book filled with directions in front of him while Nico gets the ingredients and then chops/dices/slices/etc them up how the directions--or in this case, how Will--tells him. Will covers the rest of the directions--whether that be stirring or brewing or simmering. Normally, they're both fully aware of what they're brewing during class.

But Nico missed the brief lecture on the potion and Professor Dionysus is famous for not writing things down.

Which means only Will knows what's going on and he's already forgotten that Nico was late. Meaning he didn't get the brief lecture. Meaning he's in the dark because Will has the book.

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