The truth? or unoticed

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Months went by that you are fine but something happens.

Your team has actually being weird around you like if you walk they would study your movements and giving you a silent looks.

So you will think its a look nothing to worry about.

So you think its just normal because they are just having a bad day or something...?

You were wrong all along

Noones POV

The team gathered everyone in the rec room while you were in your room sleeping
They were discussing about you.

So gentlemen do Oui all know why we were gathered here?

Yes they all said in the same time.

Have you all noticed a suspicion about Y/n?

Yes she's been acting weird lately

Ja I agree

Gentlemen I have all something to say to Oui all that....

(A/n: Oh no...)

(A/n:Still here...?)


(A/n: I guess there about to find out....)


. . .

Y/n is not a human....

. . .

(A/n:oh my...what are they gonna do next..? What will happend...?)

Tf2 x ??? Reader:A Non Human Being With A Loving Team [BEING WRITTEN ✔]Where stories live. Discover now