Little secret???

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Everybody cheered for you

Time skip-

I was in my room Talking to my Eagle Watcher

Watcher:congrats by winning out there

Y/n:Thanks and ye... Anyway I think you should go cuz I'm gonna listen to music


He disappeared

I was on my bed with my headphones

I was thinking to myself that I hope everything will be alright

But I'm not sure maybe?

. . . .

And then I feel asleep...


in the dream

I was walking in a dark alleway everything is just black and dark nonstop walking.....

. . . . .


I met my dark side...

Dark Y/n:You will never tell them aren't you?

Y/n:no but I hope they will never find out

I woke up

Sweet coming down in my forehead

Time Skip after dinner-

I got to my bed and fell asleep.

Months Passed you and the mercenary's got really long well you treated them with respect and they treated you even more better


You are still curios when what happens if they found out tho?

I was sitting on my bed talking to my eagle watcher again

Y/n: how's D/N?(A/n:Daughters name)

Watcher:she's all good tho your husband is taking care of her now

Y/n:Alright I'm glad

Watcher:when are you gonna visit them?

Y/n:don't worry I'll visit them anytime soon.

Watcher:Alrighty then..

Hmm I think of a moment

Y/n:Watcher cuddles plz?

He obeyed

He was now sitting on the crook of my neck while were reading of my spellbook

I discovered something in my spell book it read the spell

MORDUS ANGST:Means it can have some other ability's that anybody haven't noticed

Me and Watcher think for a moment

Y/n:Should I?

In response Watcher shook his head and said:

Probably not here and its very dangerous but you can that next time in a private place

I said

Y/n:so tell how it go during your watch over my daughter?

Watcher:oh of course she all does is draw and eat and talk to me she convince me to fly so I turn into a large eagle just a tall as her and flew off
Rest of the day your husband came back from work he asks how are you and I answered busy he nodded he said he got really rough time from fighting tho

I said
Mhm ye he does a hard working husband but I hope in here I hope probably won't go anything wrong

Watcher:Mhm better be careful tho

I said

Time skip-

I laid on my bed and fell asleep

(A/n:there also the chapter I'm working up is coming bye !)

Tf2 x ??? Reader:A Non Human Being With A Loving Team [BEING WRITTEN ✔]Where stories live. Discover now