~Scrapped Palms- pt.1.~

Start from the beginning

"Ok, I'll go with you but you have to watch Fast and Furious with me tonight." I said smiling at her. She just rolled her eyes at me before standing up.

"Ok fine, but you better hurry he'll be here in less than an hour." Mom said before walking out of my room. 

Standing up I walked over to my closet and pulled out some clothes before walking over to the bathroom. When I was done getting ready I ran down the stairs to eat breakfast. I was munching on a blueberry pop tart when I heard a knock at the door. Standing up I walked over to the door and opened it. 

Elijah stood on the other side of the door, his hands were behind his back and he had a smile on his face when he saw me. I gave him a smile before taking another bite of my pop tart and nodding my head at him to enter. 

"How has your day been so far Nesryn?" He asked me as I walked us to my mom's office. Stuffing the rest of the pop tart into my mouth, I turned around and gave him a thumbs-up as I whipped the crumbs off of my face. He just chuckled at me as I spun around to open the office door.

Walking over to my mom's bookshelf I grabbed one of the many snow globes that sat on the shelf before shaking it. Mom just rolled her eyes at me as she took the snow globe from me before sitting it back down. She walked over to Elijah to shake his hand.

"If you don't mind Elijah, Nesryn will be tagging along with us today. She has many facts about our town, that she can share, about the places we're going to today." Mom said as she shot me a look before walking back over to her desk to grab her keys.

"That's fine with me Carol, the more facts I have the better." Elijah said looking over at me with a smile on his face. 

"Well, we better get this show on the road. Nesryn you might want to grab something to drink before we leave." Mom said shooting me a look as she walked out the door. I nodded my head at her but she wasn't looking. 

Elijah was still there looking at me with his arm held out for me to take. Shooting him a soft smile I wrapped my hand around his bicep. I felt my cheeks heat up at the feeling of his well-toned arm under my hand. We made our way down the stairs and I heard Mom talking to Tyler about him being by himself today, as I led Elijah into the kitchen. 

Letting go of his arm I opened the fridge to grab my thermos before looking over at him. Elijah was looking at the family photo that hung on the wall of Tyler and me in our last year's prom outfits. Dad had his arm around my shoulder and Mom had her arms wrapped around Tyler's waist. All of us were smiling, we looked happy. Dad had helped me pick out my dress, it was a dark green mermaid gown. He had said it made my eyes shine. 

I was too caught up in my thoughts to hear Elijah's question until I felt his hand on my arm. Pulling myself out of my thoughts I looked up at him. His brown eyes looked into mine, and his brows frowned. 

"I'm sorry, what did you ask?" I asked, but he gave me a questioning look before stepping back. Right as my mom walked into the kitchen. She smiled at us as she walked closer to us.

"Are you two ready?" Mom asked as she grabbed her purse.

"Yes, we are." Elijah said giving my mom a small smile before looking back at me. 

Turning away I walk out of the kitchen to get to the door. Ty was standing in front of the door on his phone but looked up when he heard me walking toward him. He smiled at me as I stood beside him. Quickly thumping him on the side of the head I ran out of the door and over to Mom's car.


We had been walking for a while, Elijah asked questions and Mom did most of the answering. I added some input here and there but mostly followed behind and stayed quiet. They were a few feet ahead of me when I saw a rabbit. I walked closer to it to take a picture, but before I could get my phone out I stepped into a hole.

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