Retribution and a Revived Frat Boy

Start from the beginning

"You're Misty Day." Zoe says in realization, "You're the witch Cordelia was telling us about. Everyone thinks you're dead. But of course you're not, you have the power of Resurgence."

Both sisters look at Zoe, "Power of Resurgence." Misty mutters.

"I like the sound of that." Both sisters say in unison, their cajun accents apparent, before glancing at each other and giggling to themselves.

At this, Zoe glances at the younger blonde and realizes she never caught her name. "And uh, who are you?" She asks cautiously.

Angel peeks up at her and smiles softly, "I'm Angelica Day. Misty's younger sister, but please call me Angel. I hate the sound of my full name."

"Are you a witch too?" Zoe asks

"I am, but I'm not nearly as powerful as Mitsy here." Angel says.

"Mitsy?" Zoe asks, looking between the two sisters, realizing how similar they look. She should've known sooner they were related.

Misty chuckles, "When she was just a babe, she couldn't say 'Misty' correctly, always babbling 'Mitsy, Mitsy, Mitsy' so it just stuck." The cajun explains with a fond smile on her face. The younger sister just giggles in reply, a blush of embarrassment blooming on her face.

Zoe hums in reply with her own smile. There was something about Angel that was so innocent and childlike, yet you could see the pain in her eyes wherever she watched Misty. Zoe had to guess that maybe Angel was somewhere nearby when her sister was burned at the stake and had that traumatizing memory burned into her brain; little did she know she was actually correct in that assumption. Zoe could also tell that Angel idolized her older sister, that was plain as day based on the smile across her face as she watched Misty continue spreading the mud across various parts of Kyle's upper body.

"We have so much to teach each other, Zoe." Misty said with a smile.

"Maybe we do."

"I always knew there were others like us, but we had no idea how to find you. And then today. We were out in the woods, I was meditating when my heart started racin', and my teeth started vibratin'. Something was calling to us. I had no idea what it was, but I knew I had to follow. And it was you, Zoe. Your magic called me there." Misty said, placing the bucket down on the floor and slowly approaching the young teenager.

"And we're so grateful. Now we're not alone." Angel finished for Misty as she sat on the bed beside her and patted the remaining empty spot, indicating she wanted Zoe to sit with them. Misty began to softly sing along to the song playing on the radio as Zoe stood awkwardly in the middle of their living space. Angel joined in, humming along softly to the song, closing her eyes and letting the music flow through her with a soft smile on her face.

"Who sings this?" Zoe asked, seeing the love the two girls shared for the music. Both abruptly stopped and looked up at Zoe, pure shock written on Angel's face.

"Who sings this?" Misty repeated, the shock in her voice. "Fleetwood Mac!" She exclaims while standing, "Stevie Nicks is my hero."

"That's Stevie Nicks from American Idol?" Zoe asks, looking at the poster hanging on the wall nearby. This causes Angel to giggle behind her hand at the absurdity of the statement.

Misty furrows her eyebrows in confusion and softly replies, "It's Stevie Nicks." With a flat tone as if to say 'duh'. "The White Witch. The only other witch we've known before you."

"She's an actual witch?" Zoe asks with a hint of disbelief.

Misty pauses for a moment, "Listen to the lyrics." She replies, gently grabbing Zoe by the wrist and bringing her closer to the radio.

"She rules her life like a bird in flight and who will be her lover?"

"This song was her anthem."

"All her life you've never seen..."

"Doesn't it just... penetrate your soul? And tell the truth about everythin' you ever felt in your whole life?" Misty asks with passion. Angel sits watching her sister with a fond smile. It had been a long time since Misty had shown someone new the power of Stevie Nicks and she was clearly passionate about the Alternative Rock singer.

"Yeah. Totally." Zoe answers softly, clearly not into it as much as the older Cajun woman was but she was going to go along with it, just for the sake of it. "Um, I really should be going." She says standing up and taking a step back.

"Going? Whaddya mean?" Angel asks, the disappointment clear in her voice. Just when she thought she'd have another person with her.

"My school. I'm sure they're wondering where I am." Zoe explains, sending an apologetic look to the young blonde teen. "I just have to figure out where to take him." She says, approaching Kyle who continues to sit and twitch in the lawn chair.

"He can stay here with us." Misty says, sparing a glance in her sister's direction. "I'll heal him. And then, when you come back he'll be good as new." She pauses for a moment taking in the brunette, "Hey, you'll come back right? Hmm? Cause..." she drops her voice to a whisper, "I really think Angel's been missin' some companionship that ain't from me." Misty wants the young girl to stay here for herself as well but she knows how much her sister misses communicating with other people. That, and it seemed as if her younger sister was really taken with her, which was a rare occurrence.

Zoe glances back at the young girl who has her head down and eyes closed, her head softly swaying to the music on the radio. "Yeah, I'll come back." She looks down at Kyle as he grips her hand tightly, grunting and groaning, seeming to be just as upset at her departure as the two blonde witches.

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