I looked to my side to see Mario knocked out with blood coming from his head. I reached up undoing my seatbelt landing on the ground harshly. Some glass lodged its way into my hand leading to a groan being let out.



"Dad what's happening."


I didn't listen to the voices of my other family members only focusing on my twin. I crawled to him checking his pulse. Once I felt the thump against my finger I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding. The blood coming from his head wasn't much leading me to believe it was just a cut. The impact must have knocked him out. I undid his seatbelt making sure to catch him before he could fall. I hadn't even realized the commotion outside had stopped.

"Dad I think I am injured." Matteo muttered in a tired voice.

"It'a okay kids I am gonna get us out of this." I heard Angelo say.

Before I could say anything a loud laugh resonated through the air. The laugh sent a chill down my spine making my eyes burn. And unlike any other time I let them.

"Oh no no no Angelo I don't think you will be getting out of this one." A loud voice said.

No, it can't be he is supposed to be-

I didn't get to finish my thought feeling a prick in the side of my neck. I pulled it out seeing a tranquilizer. My vision slightly blurred as I saw shoes walking towards us. Looking up through a blurry vision I saw a cunning smirk before everything went black.

"Night, Night."



When I first came to it I only registered the subtle ring in my ears. I quickly shook my head trying to get rid of the annoying sound. After squeezing my eyes shut tightly I opened my eyes having my vision slowly come back. I blinked a few times trying to get my vision back to normal.

When all my senses finally came back I looked around the room. On my right I saw all of my brothers and father hanging from the ceiling by their hands. Each of them we're knocked out feet barely touching the floor. I looked at myself seeing I was tied to a chair on the side of the room. We seemed to have been in the middle of a run down warehouse. One with a lingering stench that made me slightly scrunch up my nose.

I couldn't help but feel as if this was all my fault. I was a week shy from it being a month with my family and I had already gotten them into trouble. I should've listened to my gut feeling. This never would've happened if I just listened. Or better yet if I never came back.

"Well looks like the little princess is awake." A chilling voice said bringing me out of my thoughts.

I looked to the front to see one of the very people that haunt me. Owen.

He was supposed to be gone. When they told me he was missing from the sight of the crash some part of me was relived I didn't have to see him again. But I always had a nagging feeling in the back of my mind that he wouldn't leave me alone. No, that wasn't the way Owen worked. He was an idiot, yes. But he never gave up in something he wanted. If he wasn't an abusive asshole it might've been something I admired about him.

He was sitting in a chair in front of us with people behind him. He looked different from the last time I saw him. Visible scars were scattered on his face and and arms. No doubt from the crash that killed Elaine. Despite his appearance he seemed to still have his cocky smirk on his face. But I did pick on something that was new.

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