C12|| The Pier

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The whole time to the pier it was quiet

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The whole time to the pier it was quiet. I wasn't sure if Mario was scared to talk or just waiting till we got there to do so. Every so often I would look out of the window behind us. I could see a singular SUV following us that wasn't too far behind. But the driver nor Mario seemed to be alarmed leading me to believe this was one of my fathers men.

It wasn't long before we got to the parking lot where we jumped out of the car. Mario said something to the driver before coming over to me and giving me a big smile.

"Okay so, there are a few things I want to do with you. But I thought that you might want to pick what we do first. So we can do some games first or we can go to the dock and book a ticket on the ferry. But we are saving the ferris wheel for when the sun goes down." He said in one breath with a beaming smile.

I couldn't help the twitch of my lips at his out of breath state. He was really something else.

"Um how about the Ferry. So we don't have to go back and forth." I stated looking at him.

"That's exactly what I was thinking." He said before trying to grab my hand.

Out of instinct I flinched away from his touch as if it was on fire. Mentally cursing myself after seeing the hurt look on his face. But fuck I couldn't help it.

"Sorry you just caught me by surprise." I said trying to defuse the situation.

"No its okay I didn't mean to overstep." He said trying to cover it up with a small smile but his eyes gave it away. "Come on follow me."

And so I did. I let him lead me all the way to the dock where they were selling tickets. After reluctantly letting him pay for the tickets we boarded. I didn't want him to have spend his money on me. But he insisted saying that it was our father money that he gave to him for this. Eventually I gave in not want to make this a bigger deal than it was.

Once we were on the ferry he took me all the way to the top where we could look over the balcony. After awhile we started to move from the dock. You could see all of New York from the small balcony. From the city lights to the afternoon traffic. Car horns and bustling people could be heard in all directions. The boat treading the water adding a soothing tune in the background.

I let my eyes close trying to drown out all of the sound but listen at the same time. The wind whipped my face swaying my ponytail to the said at the force. It felt euphoric in this moment.

"I come here when I want to get away sometimes. Listening to the city while on the water brings me a sort of calm I guess." Mario said.

I looked at him to see him closing his eyes nose up in the sky. Just like I was a few moments ago. Looking at him like this I could see the similarities in our features. The nose, lips, cheekbones. We really were the same person just opposite genders.

"I get that. Its kind of-"

"Euphoric. Yeah I know what you mean." He interrupted now looking me in the eye.

Just like when we hugged that first day I felt something. The connection on a different level. Like I could tell him any and everything and he would listen. The fact that I could see- feel- something more than usual was a clear indicator that I was getting attached. And for the moment I let it happen.

Later when this day is over I will put my walls up. I won't let him in anymore. But I can't help but want this moment. Here with him doing something that I was deprived of my whole life.

Live in the moment.

"Come on the ferry is going back to the dock soon." He said going toward the stairs that led to the main part of the ferry.

We waited for them to get back to the dock at the entrance. Out of the corner of my eye I could see some people looking our way every now and again. Their lips were moving but I didn't see any phone or a direct person next to them. These must be the bodyguards following us earlier. I expected no less honestly. Being one of the biggest Mafia's in the world and just now getting your missing princess back. I would be paranoid too.

As soon as we made it to the dock Mario led me over to the games. The first one we went to was a shooting one. You had to shoot three of the ducks down that are moving to get a prize. After about three tries I pulled Mario away with him cursing under his breath. Something about the games being 'rigged'.

Opting out of the games we went to a concession stand grabbing some snacks. He grabbed some cotton candy, popcorn, and soda. He told me not to tell Enzo seeing as though he might kill us for putting all of this in our body at once. Mario said he took his whole doctoring to another level making sure all of us were healthy to live long.

We walked along the Pier and talked about. Everything yet nothing. I tried to avoid my childhood as much as possible. But he didn't really ask any questions regarding it allowing me privacy. Just the simple things. Favorite color, movie, superstar, celebrity crush. It felt like I was a kid spilling all of my secrets to my bestride. Yet, I wasn't I was just sharing the simple things.

Once the sun was starting to set he led me over to our final stop. The ferris wheel. The line wasn't too long but we got their early enough before every one arrived. Once it was our turn the guy opened up a door that led into a ball container. It was made of glass and had a bench of each side. Mario sat down on one and I the other.

After each cart was full we started moving. And boy if I thought the view on the ferry was great this was breathtaking. The sunset gave off and illuminating light that went over the whole city giving it an orange hue. Though the city lights still stood out giving off life. The traffic was still heavy cars, taxis, buses everywhere.

"I told you sunset was the best time to be here." Mario said from beside me.

I let out a chuckle. "Yeah I guess you did."


"Thank you for today. I had a lot of...fun" I said as we pulled up to the house.

After the Ferris wheel Gino called saying we needed to head home. We quickly made our way to the driver not wanting to upset the mama hen. The ride home was smooth more relaxed then the way here.

"Your welcome. Thank you for coming with me." Mario said with a smile.

And I couldn't fight it anymore. I gave him a small one back.

He brightened at this making his smile so big I thought it was going to hurt his face.

He was going to be the death of me. The smiles, adventures, kindness. I don't know how I was going to keep him out of my life. Hell I didn't know if I wanted to anymore. I know it's a risk, a big one at that. But if it meant I got to know him. Be connected with my twin it would be worth it.



Okay guys first I want thank you for 15.9k reads. That is BEYOND crazy to me. Second I want to say I am so so sooo sorry for being MIA lately. I don't know how to explain it but I know what I want to do with the story and what direction I want it to take but I am just trying to put it into words. Idk I guess you could say writers block but again I am not sure. But to say sorry for the wait I am double posting. Also I might MIGHT post another time this week so stay tuned. Also I have seen all of your comments on the story and my board and your dm's and I just want to say that I LOVE YOU GUYS. You are so sweet and it makes my day seeing all of those. 

Sorry that was so long but comment about the last two chapters and what you think! See you soon loves.

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