Once I had finished scrubbing my skin almost raw I got out. Quickly drying myself off making sure to be carful or any bruises that haven't healed yet. Elaine and Owen never knew about my powers. If they did who knew what would've happened. Meaning I had to act normal. Fragile. Even if it meant getting a few hits and kicks here and there. I guess you could say they got a good one in before the accident.

After getting dressed in some oversized black jeans and a brown long sleeved shirt I threw on my chuck high-tops. Throwing my hair into a high ponytail leaving some of the sides out to frame my face. I made sure to grab a small purse and put my new phone I got at the mall as well as some money in there. I let out a sigh not really ready to face my family.

Reluctantly I woke up my babies so that they could come down and eat before I left. Making our way downstairs I could hear the chatter of my family. Letting my cold face come through I walked into the dining room where breakfast was being held.

Instead of dropping all of the chatter like they usually would they continued talking. It seemed like they were getting used to me coming into the dining room like this. But that's the thing I don't want them to get used to me. To get familiar with my presence. Because then they will expect more and I am not ready for that.

Pushing the thought aside I put some food in the dogs food bowls. I made sure to put the vitamins they needed in there to get them out of the way. Once I knew they ate it I walked to my seat and put only a few things on my plate.

"Good Morning Sage" Gino spoke with a kind smile.

"Morning" I spoke with a small greeting.

"Mario, Sage what time are you leaving?" Angelo asked. His eyes and tone cold. Any sympathy or warmth he talked to me with earlier was long gone.

I let out a dry chuckle in my head at this.

"Wait, where are you guys going?" Enzo asked now

"The Pier" Mario voice rang. He gave a big goofy smile filled with the food we were eating.


"What! I wanna go to the Pier." Matteo whined.

"No you and Marco have to help out with the business today. Let your brother have alone time with his twin." Angelo said giving him a look in the word business.

Marco had a flash of recognition on his face before turning it into a pout.

"Well I think it's great you two are spending time together before school starts." Gino said with a smile. Completely ignoring his pouting brother.

"Speaking of you ready to go?" Mario questioned looking directly at me.

"Sure let me just put the dogs away." I replied.

Getting up from my seat I called over the dogs. We walked up to my room where i brought them to the bed. The both lied down looking at me with big eyes whimpering.

I made my eyes glow their green burning orbs before letting it go once I saw both of theirs glow too. As soon as I did so they quieted their whimpering till it was non existent.

I always did this when leaving. Not only did it allow me into their mind it allowed them into mine. When we were there one of my punishments was to lock them in a room so they couldn't get to me-or i them. Overtime they developed some separation anxiety. I opened my mind to them whenever I leave to let them know that I will be fine. It builds trust and creates an even better connection.

"Я верну свою любовь. Хорошо для меня да?" I said. They both let out little barks that made me let out a small smile. I kissed their heads before heading out leaving the door open incase they wanted to leave. (I will be back my loves. Be good for me yeah?)

Once I was downstairs I saw Marco talking to Gino who had a big smile on her face. Hearing me coming down the stairs they both turned their heads towards me.

"Ready?" Mario asked.

"Yep" I said with a nod.

"Well have fun you two and be home before it gets too dark." Gino said giving us a motherly look.

My twin and I nodded our heads then heading to the door. Before we could fully leave Gino said something else that I am guessing I wasn't supposed to understand. But I did. 

"Prenditi cura di tua sorella Demario" Gino said with a strong voice. One I haven't heard yet but I can tell he meant what he said. But I don't need protection, they do. (Protect your sister Demario)

Mario gave a quick nod before leading me out the door. When we made it to the front lawn there was a car waiting for us. It was obvious the driver was taking us instead of us driving ourselves.

Here we go. 


Her outfit...

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