Chapter 29

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My eyes flickered open, and I realised it was still night. I sat up and was pleasantly surprised to find my body wasn't sore, I felt good as new.

I looked around until my eyes landed on Azriel, asleep in a chair next to the bed.

I smiled a little to myself as I picked a blanket up and carefully lay it over him. He shifted a little but stayed asleep.

I walked out of the room and towards the roof.

The stars shone in the air above me as I gazed up, I wondered what would happen now, I was one of a kind, would I be hunted for this power I possessed?

I shook my head; I couldn't think of that now. I spread my wings out wide and watched as they glinted in the light, I guess I should learn how to use them.

I sighed; this was going to be a very interesting life it seemed.

"Ivy?" Azriel's voice called out softly.

"I'm on the roof," I whispered, and he appeared a second later, sitting next to me.

"Are you ok?" He asked.

"I'm not entirely sure right now, you saw how Beron was, they are all going to want me because of the power I hold, and my title as angel." I told him, still staring at the stars.

"No one can harm you," he told me, taking my hand.

Something tugged low in my gut and I gasped, he let go of my hand and stood, looking like he was about to vanish.

"Wait," I said and to my surprise he did.

I tugged back on the thread I could feel within me, and his eyes widened, this male, this beautiful, selfless, kind male was my mate.

"What do, how, when, we," I stuttered, apparently unable to form coherent thoughts.

"Breathe," he told me softly and I drew in a very long breath.

"You're my mate," I whispered, and he lay his hand gently over my own.

"You don't have to act on it if you don't want to I-" he began, but I cut him off.

"Stop, of course I want to act on it, I guess I just never expected to be able to actually feel a tug, I was just surprised, but if you don't want to that is ok, I'm strange and new." I looked at my lap as I spoke, with the other High Lords after me he probably wouldn't want me as a mate.

His rough fingers hooked under my chin and lifted my violet eyes to meet his hazel ones, they were soft and warm.

"I want to be with you more than you will ever know Ivy, and I don't know if you have noticed but I'm also strange, we make a great pair." He told me with a grin.

I couldn't stop my answering grin, but it was cut off by him crashing his lips against mine.

He kissed me gently, slowly, as if getting used to the taste of me, the feel of my lips.

I knew he wanted to do more, but we were interrupted by a rather pointed cough from behind us.

We both turned at the same time to see Cassian, Rhys, Feyre and Mor all stood there, all looking beyond amused.

"Did you guess Ivy or did he put on his big boy pants and tell you?" Mor teased, Az went as red as a beetroot as I answered.

"I guessed, well, I felt it." I told her with a smirk.

"The House of Wind is empty," Feyre said with a wink before turning and walking back inside.

Az glanced at me and I nodded once before he winnowed us there, catching me and gliding down onto a balcony.


I know, I'm a horrible person for writing a short chapter and leaving it like this but I can promise a chapter of smut next ;)

I do have some questions though, well, mostly one question. 

How would you like this story to finish? 

With them mating then happily ever after? 

With Ivy using her powers and sway as an angel for something (not sure what yet but I could figure it out)? 

Or something else entirely?

Your responses would be much appreciated as I'm not sure how or when I want to finish this.

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