Chapter 25

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The next day my spark of hope died when Feyre announced that our first day of battle was today. I was going to stay with Feyre and just watch, as neither of us have any experience with war of any kind.

"Feyre, you are trembling, you should sit down," I told her gently as we watched the battle rage.

"What if something happens?" She whispered.

"You can't think about the what if's Feyre, maybe watching wasn't such a good idea." I said as I held her against me, my wing tucking around her tightly.

She shook her head as she walked away from me and back towards camp.

I didn't go after her, I knew that she just needed breathing room. Ten minutes later I went to look for her. I searched the entire camp, but she was nowhere to be seen.

I panicked, surely, I hadn't lost her, I should have followed her, Rhys was going to kill me!

I knelt in the grass and wished I could find Feyre. A strong wind whipped around me, and I landed in a clearing, Feyre was there talking to a creature of bone.

"Ivy, what are you doing?" She asked, eyes wide.

"Not sure, I just came here." I grumbled as I stood, brushing myself off.

"Listen to me girl, you have more power than you know, I suggest you use it," The bone creature told me.

I opened my mouth to ask it what on earth it was going on about, but I heard the sound of a bow string being pulled back. I ran to Feyre and the creature, pulling Feyre down to the floor and shielding both of them with my body or wings.

Two arrows pierced my skin, one through my left wing, the other in my back, just below my right wing.

I let out a cry but didn't move.

"Having other people take arrows for you Feyre isn't very noble," a light female voice called out and Feyre stiffened.

"Ivy, listen to me, on the count of three you are going to let me go, stay with the Suriel until I get back." she whispered just before another two arrows hit me, this time one hit my side and the other went through my right wing.

I nodded at her in acknowledgement, I couldn't speak without screaming.

"One, two, three," she whispered as she prepared to sprint.

I let her go and pulled my wings back, despite the pain. She began to run as a fifth arrow hit me. I kept the Suriel cocooned in my wings as a further two arrows hit me.

I heard people follow Feyre and the Suriel took my hand in its bony one.

"Your power is locked deep within yourself, trust your ability and it will be released, when you do you better make sure the whole world feels your explosion." It told me, and I blinked.

My head span and the world went dark.

-Feyre's POV-

(Extract from ACOWAR)

Just as the door slammed shut hard enough to rattle the cottage, I saw the ball of fae light that Ianthe lifted to illuminate the room.

Saw the horrible face of the Weaver, that mouth stumps teeth open wide with delight and unholy hunger. The death-God of old starved for life with a beautiful priestess before her.

I was already hurtling for the trees when the garden Ianthe began screaming.

The unending screams followed me for half a mile by the time I reached the spot where I had left Ivy, wounded, that finally faded.

The suriel was still there, holding Ivy's limp hand in its own.

"No," I breathed.

"She lives Feyre Acheron," the Suriel told me, and I knelt next to her.

There were seven arrows in her body, two in her left wing, three in her right with one in her back and the seventh in her side.

"Stay with the High Lord," the Suriel told me, and I looked up.

"Stay with him and see everything righted," it told me once more before vanishing.

I couldn't help Ivy, I had no power left to winnow her back, I couldn't even have her drink my blood.

"Feyre," Helion's soft voice said from behind me.

"You have to help her," I told him as tears ran down my cheek.

"We need to get back to the camp," he said, lifting Ivy carefully into his arms.

I held onto him tightly as he winnowed us back, straight into the tent I share with Rhys.

"No," he whispered as he took in Ivy's limp body.

"She is alive Rhys, but we need a healer," I said, and he nodded.

Two minutes later Thesean ran in, kneeling down next to where Helion had set her.

We watched in silence as he pulled arrow after arrow out of her body and healed each wound. He was careful with her wings. Once she was fully healed, he stood and turned to us.

"I expect she will be out for at least a day, call me if anything happens," he said before leaving.

As soon as the tent flaps had closed u turned to Rhys and tucked me against him, sobbing.

"What happened?" he asked me gently.

"I went to see the Suriel, she somehow followed. Ianthe was there though, and she shielded both of us with her body." I said between sobs.

"I'm afraid I have a little more bad news," he said gently once my tears had eased.

"Please tell me everyone made it out," I whispered.

"They did but Cassian is badly hurt, Madja just finished healing him, Mor and Az are with him now." He said and I immediately walked back out.

"Feyre!" Mor cried as she saw me.

She pulled me into a hug as I took in Cassian, he seemed ok but if Madja had already healed him then that was to be expected.

"Where is Ivy?" Mor asked and I wordlessly led her back to our tent.

None of us slept that night, I stayed with Mor and Ivy, Rhys with Az, and Cass. We were all waiting for one of them to wake, Cass had come to a couple of times, but he just slurred some non-coherent sentences before falling under, Ivy on the other hand was completely out.

I had no idea how we were going to win this war.

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