Chapter 24

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I stared at the letter for a long time after I had finished reading it, I eventually gave it to Feyre, I needed someone to confirm that I wasn't seeing things. Feyre soon gave the letter back to me and I folded it back up with shaking hands as I took in the rest of the box.

There wasn't much inside, a scrap of paper with the sign off of a letter from Rhys. A drawing of Illyrian wings. The lyrics of her favourite songs. I closed the box.

I didn't look at Feyre as I went into my sister's room once more and picked the picture up. I put that in the box before closing the lid and standing. My mind was still spinning over the information I had just found.

Feyre was also looking stunned as she offered me her hand. I took it and she winnowed us back to the manor.

"Why do you both look so glum?" Rhys asked as we appeared in the sitting room.

Feyre sat next to him while sat in a chair opposite, the box in my lap. I pulled my mother's letter out and handed it to him, I couldn't voice my thoughts.

Now I knew why he freaked me out so much, why he was so similar to her but also different. I was his niece.

"By the cauldron," Rhys whispered once he had read it.

I dared to look up from my lap and meet his gaze, he had tears in his eyes, and he didn't stop them from running down his cheeks.

He wordlessly stood, walking over and crouching in front of me. I looked into his eyes and saw nothing but joy.

"You're my niece," He whispered as he took my hand.

I nodded, still unable to form words. Everything now made sense to me, the wings, why I survived, why he looked like her, the mind reading.

"Are you ok with that?" He asked, taking in the blank look on my face.

"I don't know what to think," I admitted, the first words I had spoken since I had read that letter.

"You will always have a place here Ivy, in my family and my court." He told me and I did something I thought I would never do again.

I flung my arms around his neck and held on tightly. He seemed shocked at first before he wrapped his hands around my back and held me close.

"It's ok, breathe," he whispered, and I realised I was sobbing.

I focused my mind and the tears eased.

He gave me some chocolate and I gladly ate it, maybe this was what Elain meant by 'you will rise.'

I felt a small spark light inside of me, a spark of hope.


I'm really sorry that this is so short, school has been a little overwhelming with having to catch up on work missed over lockdown. hopefully the next chapters will be longer. xx 

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