Day Five

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Clarke's pov

I wake up and see that everyone else is still asleep so I go for a walk. I an walking when I hear growl much like Zander's. I go towards it and I see a big panther except this one is albino. It is pure white with sky blue eyes. It comes towards me and lays on it's back and I start petting it. After a minute or two it gets up and starts walking back to me with something in its mouth after a few seconds I see that it is a cub. It is white like it's mother but has some black spots on it. She starts walking towards the group with the cub in her mouth and me behind her when we get their she gently lays the cub down and roars. Zander wakes up immediately and goes to her just then I realize that the cub must be his. Octavia gets up and starts yelling at me about the new panther and its cub. All four animals even the cub start growling at her and she just stops talking and sits down. Kavo and Linn are just looking at me confused and I just shrug and go back to the two new Panthers. I when I get there I ask for its name and I hear that voice again say Zilla and then I ask the cub and the same voice says Luke. The people come back and they all gauck at them like they are hallucinating angels. All of a sudden we hear a loud screech and a hawk comes and lands on my shoulder. It has brown feathers and golden eyes. I ask it its name and the voice says Alex. Two minutes later another hawk comes and lands on my other shoulder. It has pitch black feathers and gold eyes just like Alex. I ask it its name and the voice says Alicia. Everybody else is just shocked by what was happening considering that I have six animals that just decided to come with me. The people finally get out of thier shocked state and said that we were aloud to go to their home. We say okay and we follow them with Zander walking beside Zilla and Zilla holding Luke. With Mari behind them and Alex and Alicia on my shoulders. We get to the village after going on a boat as it is on an island. We have to go into a shipping container and the wave would make us wet. After we get there the people open the doors and I see a crowd out side the doors all of a sudden they all gasp for some unknown reason so I ask what and Octavia start laughing at my confusion then tells me that they gasped due to all of my animals. I realise that is why and get nervous about all of the people looking at me. Suddenly someone steps forward and tells the people to be quiet and starts talking to the people saying that they said we only had two animals. I tell her there were only two when they left but that I found two more in the woods and that the two hawks flew onto my shoulders while her people were talking with us. She asks how I got the animals to listen to me and just tell her that I don't know how and that they just did. She says that we don't look like we are from anywhere she has been and we tell her that we fell from space in an escape pod in order to escape the guards. She asks why we were running away and I tell her that Octavia was a second child and that on the Ark it was illegal to have more than one child and I tell h er r that I ran away because of something my mom found out about me that I didn't completely understand. She asks me to show her what i mean so I cut my hand on a piece of metal from the container and show her my blood. She gasps and grabs my hand and covers it up quickly saying to not let anyone see it. I say okay and we finally get out of the container. I ask if my animals can go get themselves some food and she says yes but only as long as they don't eat everything and don't hurt anyone. I tell the animals to go hunt but to not eat everything and to not hurt anyone and they leave except for Zander and Luke as Zilla would hunt for her cub and herself and come back then Zander would go hunt. We sit there talking for about an hour or two when all of the animals come back after eating and Zilla even brought food for Zander as well. The leader who I figured out that her name was Luna was surprised by the non-hostile nature of the animals and asks me how long they have been with me I tell her that Mari and Zander have been with me a few days and that Zilla, Luke, Alex, and Alicia I got this morning. She shows us to our places where we can stay and says that my animals can sleep outside of they want but none of them do so they all come inside through the door while Mari has to go through a window and then we all go to sleep.

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