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Clarke's pov

I wake up in a tent and I don't know where I am. I sit up and see someone. I ask him what happened and he tells me that I passed out and that I am in the healers tent. He tells me that his name is Nyko. I as him where my pets are and he tells me that a gorilla dropped me off here and then wouldn't leave the entrance. I start to chuckle and he asks why I am laughing and I tell him that I am laughing because Mari has always been that stubborn. I ask him if I am okay to leave and he says that I am after I eat. I say okay and he calls someone to get me some food. After I eat I go outside and see Mari. As soon as I see her I start laughing and she sees me because of it and as soon as she sees me she picks me up which makes me laugh even more. After she puts me down she roars scaring a bunch of people and then I suddenly realise why when I am tackled to the ground by all of my pets. Nyko comes up from behind me saying that clearly they love me enough to hurt me after not seeing me for so long. I ask him where the commander is and he tells me that she is behind me so I look around and ask her if I can go back to Arcadia today. She says I can so I grab a horse and head off with all of my pets with me. After a few hours I make it to Arcadia and get off of the horse. As soon as I am off of the horse I get knocked into by Octavia and Raven. They ask me what happened and I tell them how I was taken by the mountain men and I freed all of the survivors that they took and then set free the civilians to be brought here. We keep talking but then I see one of the survivors that must be a messenger and he comes up to me and hands me a letter and says it is from the commander and that I should read it right away. I open and it says that I am invited to a celebration to the fall of the mountain as well as I am able to bring two more people and my pets. It says it would be held in a weeks time. I tell the messenger that I would be going and I thanked him. He bows to me and thanks me for the mountain and leaves. I ask if Raven and Octavia would go with me and they agree so we start talking again while my pets go eat some food. After a while we go to bed after we go inside the dropship that holds the delinquents.

Lexa's pov

When I see Clarke get tackled I start to chuckle softly seeing her pets love for her. After she sees me she asks if she can go back to Arcadia and I say she can and she takes the horse I gave her as a gift for the mountain. The horse is pitch black with snow white eyes. About twenty minutes after she leaves I send a messenger for her inviting her two other people and her pets to the celebration of the mountains fall. After a few hours the messenger comes back saying that she agreed to come to the celebration and that she would bring Octavia and Raven. I say okay and dismiss the messenger and I go to bed.

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