The Beginning

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My mom tells me that she needs to get me out of here but I don't know what she means by that. Suddenly she gets up and leaves telling me to stay here. One hour later she comes back and tells me that in one month I will have to leave and that I can't resist because it is for my own safety. I get very tired due to the events that occurred so I just tell my mom I'm going to bed and she says okay and leaves the room.

... One month later

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My mom has been spending a lot of time out of the house. I dont mind much since I like to be alone but it still worries me. She keeps telling me she is just hanging out with a friend called Raven Reyes but I am still worried. I am busy drawing what I think earth looks like when the door opens and shuts and she comes in my room. "Hey baby." She says. "Hey mom." I replied. "Listen... you have to leave tomorrow and I can't go with you but just remember that I love you." I am still confused by what she means by I need to leave but I trust her so I say okay. She tells me to pack some stuff that I would need so I do. "Hey honey someone else is going with you, her name is Octavia Blake and she is also in trouble but she is 16 so I think you two would get along great. I tell her okay and she leaves.

...The next day

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My mom brings me into a room that I have never seen before and puts me in this small capsule and she tells me to wait. Ten minutes later a girl with chocolate brown eyes and dark brown hair comes in and gets in with me. Five minutes later a girl with the same eyes but a bit of lighter brown hair comes in and talks to my mom. Next thing I know my mom is telling me that she loves me and then I'm in space. Me and the other girl who I'm guessing is Octavia start freaking out but then to some unknown reason we fall asleep.

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