The Journey Down

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The morning of the journey down

Abby's pov

Me and Octavias mom talked and said we would give them a sedative for the ride down. Later that day I went to the launch area with Clarke and ten minutes later Octavia came without her mom because it would have been to dangerous for them to be together. Then five minutes later Raven came in and we talked about the plan then we sent the girls down.

Clarkes pov

I woke up to shaking, Octavia was still asleep so I didn't know why I was awake yet. I was going to try to wake her up when we started shaking more violently. I don't know what's going on, mom told me I had to leave but I didn't know where to. Suddenly the shaking stops and we are spinning. It seems to go on forever until we are jolted backwards and then we slam into something and it all stops. By now Octavia is awake and laughing so I ask her why she is laughing. "Because we're on the ground dummy!" She replies. We are exhausted from the landing so we go to sleep saying that we will get situated tomorrow but not before we look at Earth a bit and realize it is more beautiful than we imagined.

The next morning

Abby's pov

After sending clarke down I am so sad that I might not see her again. I wake up to banging on the door and then a dozen guards come in as well as chancellor Jaha. "Abby Griffin you are under arrest for the illegal use of an escape pod and will be executed tomorrow morning. Do you have anything to say for yourself?" He says. "I did what I had to, that's all and in don't regret it one bit." I replied. He is confused to what I mean so he ask why I sent it down. "My daughter is a nightblood and the other one well she was a second child that hid from you for 16 years." I replie with a laugh. He is astonished not only because of the second child being hidden for so long but for the nightblood. "Impossible!" He says. "It is completely possible if it happened." I replie calmly same as before. "Change of plans her execution is now!" He says and I replie with an okay.

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