George looked around and saw Tommy holding the spoon, just waiting for people to realize. Tubbo continued to go through cards until he also noticed Tommy had a spoon, quickly following suit; which caused Wilbur and Karl to race for the last spoon in the middle of the circle they all formed.

However, Wilbur was faster and held the spoon in his hand, letting out a breath of relief

"Well, Karl lost this round" Tommy said and smiled at his victory

"Dang that was so close-" Karl mumbled and put his cards down "Alright, well good luck- I'm going to make sure I didn't burn the pasta-" Karl said and hastily got up and went to the kitchen.

George watched him go as the last three players set up for the next round. He turned back around to see that they've already started cycling cards through. Everyone stayed quiet, George interesting in who would make it to the 'Championships'.

It was quiet for a while, everyone focusing until Tubbo quickly grabbed a spoon after he matched all of his cards. Tommy and Wilbur both race for the last spoon, Wilbur grabbing it before Tommy could

"Awww what the hell?" Tommy complained as Wilbur rubbed it in his face that he got the spoon before he did. "That's not fair man"

"It's totally fair" Wilbur laughed and placed one spoon in the middle of him and Tubbo "Now get lost, we need to see who wins this" Wilbur said as Tubbo started shuffling the cards again. Tommy rolled his eyes and got up, sitting on the couch with his arms crossed. George smiled at all of them, watching as they set up this last game.

They both make sure each other are ready before starting; Karl coming back with several bowls of pasta. Tommy, George, and Karl all start eating after Karl sets the two bowls aside for Wilbur and Tubbo. Everyone watched intently as the game continued. Tommy smiled when Tubbo matched all his cards first, reaching for the spoon quickly. Tubbo smiled and giggled to himself after laying his cards down to show four cards of the same suit.

"Damn! Tubbo's good at this!" Tommy smiled and shook Tubbo by his shoulders

"Well, next is a week of playing Speed, we'll see how he does then" Karl smiled, everyone already knows that Karl is really good at that game. Wilbur and Tubbo shook hands respectively; Tubbo and Tommy disappearing to hang out upstairs. Wilbur, Karl, and George all started to talk- talk about their days, what they did and didn't get to do. Smiling and laughing as if nothing was wrong with the world.

"So how was running from Ghoulie's?" Wilbur asked George

The question took him by surprise but he also wasn't against answering it "Pretty scary " he answered honestly and shrugged "They heard my footsteps as I was sneaking back out of the store; it was a group of three or so"

Karl took a deep breath and closed his eyes, putting his head in his hands "That's scary, I'm glad you're ok" he said and looked up

Wilbur nodded in agreement "Yeah; you should've been more careful. Those things creep up on you before you even hear them" he mumbled "Speaking of which: how's Quackity?" Wilbur asked and looked at Karl and George, who were the only two who constantly check on him

"He's... Quackity" George sighed

Karl nodded but smiled a little "he's ok- I think he's just not used to having to rest. Before he got hurt all he knew was going out every day to explore."

"He's an adrenaline junkie for sure" Wilbur laughed a little "he needs to be more careful" he mumbled

George looked at Wilbur and nodded "Yeah he could've been killed if Tommy and Tubbo didn't find him" he said, reliving the other night in his head and cringing at the thought. He shook it off "Ok, it would be Quackity's turn to watch tonight, but he's clearly not up for it... so who's up?"

"Well I've been watching the past week," Wilbur said and shrugged

"Karl-?" George asked and glanced at Karl

Karl shook his head "Nah, I need to take care of Quackity at night- make sure he doesn't run off in the middle of the night" he explained "So that leaves you"

George rolled his eyes "Whyyyyy" he whined and looked up at the roof

"You're the only one who can and who should" Wilbur pointed out, cleaning up the cards and eating his food that was earlier set aside.

"Ugh- fine" he mumbled. Karl got up and grabbed his and George's bowl and took it to the kitchen

"I'm going to bed, I'll see you guys in the morning," Karl said once he came back into view. "Night," he said and walked up the stairs

"Goodnight" Wilbur and George both said at the same time

Wilbur looked at George once Karl was gone "are you ok?" he asked

George looked at him and shrugged "Yeah, I'm fine- why?"

"I don't know, you seem off- like somethings on your mind" Wilbur shrugged, finishing his food and getting up.

George followed "Things are always on my mind Will" he laughed a little and smiled softly. There were things on his mind, but they weren't any new thoughts. His thoughts are just about life and how things used to be; before everything went down the road to shitsburg.

"Alright, I'll drop it- but whatever you're thinking.. try to get it out of your head," Wilbur said with a smile "I'm hitting it- goodnight George"

"Yeah yeah- night Wilbur," George said, cleaning up a little before heading to the roof to make sure that nothing bad happens over the night. He got up to the lawn chair set up, looking up at the stairs and trying not to fall asleep to the sound of car alarms and distant gunshots.

words: 1621

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