14: two steps forward one step back

Start from the beginning

Draco and me watched TV for a little then I got into my outfit. He sat back on his bed and smirked at me the whole time I undressed and just to tease him I purposely bent over extra far when slipping the skirt on so he could get a view. I checked myself in the mirror slightly smoothing my hair with my fingers, then as I was about to slip on the heels Draco stopped me.
Draco: "the heels might be a little overkill darling, you're already in the house and we have a shoes of policy anyway"
Y/n: "Aww but they're so pretty and they cost so much"
Draco: "just be relaxed, look at me I'm not even wearing socks"
Y/n: "yeah I guess, I'll find another time to wear them"
Draco: "perfect, can we go eat now I'm starving and I bet you are too"
Y/n: "yeah I didn't really get to eat since Monday"
Draco: "but it's Thursday!?"
Y/n: "I know but it wasn't my choice"
Draco: "true, sorry, I guess I'm a little protective"
Y/n: "a little!? That's gotta be the understament of the year hahaha"
Draco: "whatever let's just go baby"
Y/n: "okie!" I followed him out the door and down the stairs to the dining room.

It was amazingly luxurious, magnificent and grand I was too busy staring at the high ceilings and chandeliers I almost walked into the table Infront of me full of delicious looking dished, all cold, plus some meats, fruit and veg and bread.
Draco: "dad, this is y/n. Y/n, my dad"
Y/n: "hello sir, sorry for intruding so impolitely"
Lucius: "my boy does she always apologize unfounded"
Draco: "I'm working on it"
Lucius: "call me Lucius, y/n, and you are more than welcome to arrive unannounced, especially seeing the great side you bring out in my son, usually he's a prick"
Draco: "father!" I couldn't help but laugh
Lucius: "and I heard you're a Slytherin, I think we'll get on just fine"
Y/n: "thank you s- Lucius" I sat next to Draco and opposite Narcissa with Lucius opposite Draco. I didn't know how it worked weather they waited for the house elves to serve them or something but to my surprise, they began selecting things and taking with their hands, much like a normal, non-high-end-millionaire, family. Following suit I took a few things and ended up with a sandwich plus coleslaw and some salad mix and a couple crisps from a big bowl.
Lucius: "so y/n, what year are you in Hogwarts?"
Y/n: "fourth one below Draco"
Draco: "she transferred here this year"
Narcissa: "where were you before that"
Y/n: "lots of places my parents just put me wherever was closest, magic or non magic when they moved around for business"
Lucius: "a pure blood in a mud-blood school how could they" I felt like that wasn't a question more than it was a comment so I didn't say anything "are you far behind then"
Y/n: "not particularly, I spend quite a bit of my free time studying the years I missed"
Narcissa: "how responsible, no wonder you manage to control my son, he's often a stubborn one"
Y/n: "haha, I don't know, I only found out his behaviour towards me was an anomaly from our friends"
Narcissa: "ooh, interesting, how did he ask you out he never talks about this stuff with me anymore"
Y/n: "top of the London eye at sunset, it was so romantic"
Narcissa: "oh my I'm such a proud mum" me and Narcissa carried on chatting and telling stories about ourselves and Draco, forgetting there were two other men present. Consequently they began their own conversation of school and the ministry and me a little too.

We had all finished and Narcissa guided me to an equally grand living room as we continued our conversation, until we got onto the topic of family
Narcissa: "so your parents must be so proud of you"
Y/n: "actually well, they aren't the best.. it was actually them"
Narcissa: "... You mean...?"
Y/n: "yeah, it's not so great"
Narcissa: "well no problem, we are your family from now on. And Lucius is very influential in the ministry and can get this sorted."
Y/n: "thank you Narcissa, Draco said the same thing as well"
Lucius: "and I concur" I jumped slightly seeing Lucius and Draco just walk in the room. "When I go into work tomorrow, I shall assign the case to my assistant directly and until you go back to Hogwarts you shall live here"
Y/n: "I er-... Thank you Lucius"
Lucius: "it is my job after all, and the crucio matter as well, don't think about either again for they are handled now"
Y/n: "thank you, I am sor-"
Draco: "darling" Draco warned and I shut up remembering not to look down either
Draco+Lucius: "better" they said simultaneously and I couldn't help but chuckle at the father son resemblance.

STOP IT!... please. Draco ffWhere stories live. Discover now